Filtered by Mozilla

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A quicksearch for Bugzilla using Autocompeter

January 27, 2016
0 comments Python, Web development, Mozilla, JavaScript

Here's the final demo.

What I did was, I used the Bugzilla REST APIs to download all bugs for a specific product. Then I bulk-uploaded then to and lastly built a simply web front-end.

When you "download all" bugs with the Bugzilla REST API, it might be capped but I don't know what the limit is. The trick is to not download ALL bugs for the product in one big fat query, but to find out what all components are for that product and then download for each. The Python code is here.

Everyone's Invited to Play

So first you need to sign in on using your GitHub account. Then you can generate a Auth-Key by picking a domain. The domain can be anything really. I picked but you can use whatever you like.

Then, when you have an Auth-Key you need to know the name of the product (or products) and run the script like this:

python 7U4eFYH5cqR15m3ekuxkzaUR Socorro

Once you've done that, fork my codepen and replace the domain and any other references to the product.


To make this really useful, you'd have to run it more often. Perhaps you can hook it up to a cron job or something and make it so that you only download, from the REST API, things that have changed since the last time you did a big download. Then you can let the cron job run frequently.

If you want really hot results, you could hook up a server-side service that consumes the Bugzfeed websocket.

Last but not least; this will never list private/secure bugs. Only publically available stuff.

The Future

If people enjoy it perhaps we can change the front-end demo so it's not hardcoded to one specific product ("Socorro" in my case). And it can be made pretty.

And the data would need to be downloaded and re-submitted more frequently. A quick Heroku app mayhaps?


November 11, 2015
4 comments Python, Web development, Mozilla

Whatsdeployed was a tool I developed for my work at Mozilla. I think many other organizations can benefit from using it too.

So, on many sites, what we do when deploying a site, is that we note which git sha was used and write that to a file which is then exposed via the web server. Like this for example. If you know that sha and what's at the tip of the master branch on the project's GitHub page, you can build up an interesting dashboard that allows you to see what's available and what's been deployed.

Sample Whatsdeployed screen for the Mozilla Socorro project
The other really useful case is when you have more than just one environment. For example, you might have a dev, stage and prod environment and, always lastly, the master branch on GitHub. Now you can see what code has been shipped on prod versus your staging environment for example.

This is one of those far too few projects that you build quickly one Friday afternoon and it turns out to be surprisingly useful to a lot of people. I for one, check various projects like this several times per day.

The code is on GitHub and it's basically a tiny bit of Flask with some jQuery doing a couple of AJAX requests. If you enjoy it and use it, please share.


Blogged about a facelift, Jan 2018

mozjpeg installation and sample

October 10, 2015
3 comments Linux, Web development, Mozilla

I've written about mozjpeg before where I showed what it can do to a sample directory full of different kinds of JPEGs. But let's get more real. Let's actually install it and look at one thumbnail and one big photo.

To install, I used the pre-compiled binaries from this wonderful site. Like this:

# wget
# dpkg -i mozjpeg_3.1_amd64.deb
# ls -l /opt/mozjpeg/bin/cjpeg
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 50784 Sep  3 19:03 /opt/mozjpeg/bin/cjpeg

I don't know why the binary executable becomes called cjpeg but that's fine. Let's put it in $PATH so other users can execute it:

# cd /usr/local/bin
# ln -s /opt/mozjpeg/bin/cjpeg

Now, let's actually use it for something. First we need a realistic lossy thumbnail that we can optimize.

$ wget

This was one of the thumbnails from a previous post called Panasonic Lumix from 2008 or a iPhone 5S from 2014.

Let's optimize!

$ jpeg -outfile ebf08e64e80170dc009e97f6f9681ceb.moz.jpg -optimise ebf08e64e80170dc009e97f6f9681ceb.jpg
$ ls -l ebf08e64e80170dc009e97f6f9681ceb.*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 django django 11391 Sep 26 17:04 ebf08e64e80170dc009e97f6f9681ceb.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 django django  9414 Oct 10 01:40 ebf08e64e80170dc009e97f6f9681ceb.moz.jpg

Yay! It's 17.4% smaller. Saving 1.93Kb.

So what do they look like? See for yourself:

I have to zoom in (⌘-+) 3 times until I can see any difference. But remember, the saving isn't massive but the usecase here is a thumbnail.

So, let's do the same with a non-thumbnail. Some huge JPEG.

$ time cjpeg -outfile Lumix-2.moz.jpg -optimise Lumix-2.jpg
real    0m3.285s
user    0m3.122s
sys     0m0.080s
$ ls -l Lumix*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 django django 4880446 Sep 26 17:20 Lumix-2.jpg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 django django 1546978 Oct 10 02:02 Lumix-2.moz.jpg
$ ls -lh Lumix*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 django django 4.7M Sep 26 17:20 Lumix-2.jpg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 django django 1.5M Oct 10 02:02 Lumix-2.moz.jpg

In other words, from 4.7Mb to 1.5Mb. It's 68.3% the size of the original. And the visual difference?

Again, I have to zoom in 3 times to be able to tell any difference and even when I've done that it's hard to tell which is which.

In conclusion, let's go ahead and use mozjpeg to optimize thumbnails.

Examples of mozjpeg savings

September 1, 2015
5 comments Web development, Mozilla

I'm currently working on a Django library that uses mozjpeg to optimize thumbnails that are generated from stored images. I first wanted to get a feel for how good mozjpeg really is.

In my ~/Downloads directory I have all sorts of "junk" from all sorts of saves and experiments. It'll work as a good testbed of relatively random JPEG images of all sorts of sizes and qualities. Without further ado, here's the results:

FILENAME                                          OPTIMIZE   ORIGINAL     SAVING  PERCENT
180697_1836563311933_3364808_n.jpg                  45.2Kb     50.4Kb      5.1Kb    10.2%
2014-03-20 17.35.39.jpg                           2040.1Kb   2207.8Kb    167.7Kb     7.6%
2015-03-04 21.18.16.jpg                           1521.5Kb   1629.2Kb    107.7Kb     6.6%
2015-03-04 21.19.16.jpg                           1602.4Kb   1720.0Kb    117.6Kb     6.8%
2015-03-04 21.23.16.jpg                           1181.7Kb   1272.1Kb     90.4Kb     7.1%
2015-03-05 06.03.00.jpg                           1426.7Kb   1557.7Kb    131.0Kb     8.4%
20150626_200629_001.jpg                           1566.4Kb   1717.3Kb    151.0Kb     8.8%
20150626_200631.jpg                               2157.6Kb   2319.6Kb    162.0Kb     7.0%
Boba_Fett_by_RobD4E.jpg                             96.2Kb    104.3Kb      8.1Kb     7.8%
Horse_Play.jpg                                     170.4Kb    185.2Kb     14.9Kb     8.0%
Image (107).jpg                                    344.9Kb    390.6Kb     45.7Kb    11.7%
Misc Candle Holder NECA FOTR Balrog Dec2002.jpg     37.1Kb     37.7Kb      0.6Kb     1.5%
Mozilla_Lightbeam.jpg                               55.1Kb     79.7Kb     24.6Kb    30.8%
Photo on 12-17-14 at 5.55 PM.jpg                   168.5Kb    187.7Kb     19.2Kb    10.2%
dev.jpg                                             17.5Kb     30.8Kb     13.3Kb    43.2%
dev2.jpg                                            41.1Kb     54.3Kb     13.3Kb    24.4%
dev3.jpg                                            35.3Kb     49.0Kb     13.7Kb    28.0%
dev4.jpg                                            42.0Kb     56.0Kb     14.0Kb    25.0%
dev5.jpg                                            24.6Kb     37.9Kb     13.2Kb    35.0%
dev6.jpg                                            28.9Kb     42.8Kb     13.9Kb    32.4%
hr_0570_220_135__0570220135006.jpg                3124.3Kb   3467.8Kb    343.5Kb     9.9%
hr_0570_220_158__0570220158006.jpg                3010.0Kb   3319.1Kb    309.1Kb     9.3%
hr_0570_220_175__0570220175006.jpg                2245.5Kb   2442.6Kb    197.0Kb     8.1%
hr_0570_227_599__0570227599006.jpg                2561.7Kb   2809.8Kb    248.1Kb     8.8%
hr_0596_622_701__0596622701006.jpg                3238.8Kb   3453.6Kb    214.7Kb     6.2%
hr_0596_623_849__0596623849006.jpg                2902.9Kb   3102.1Kb    199.3Kb     6.4%
hr_0622_219_873__0622219873006.jpg                 985.3Kb   1066.9Kb     81.7Kb     7.7%
logo.jpg                                            43.5Kb     51.2Kb      7.7Kb    15.1%
mvm-header.jpg                                       8.5Kb     12.4Kb      3.9Kb    31.6%
mvm-postcard-picture.jpg                            72.2Kb     73.4Kb      1.3Kb     1.7%
overhang_pixels.jpg                               3014.3Kb   3370.8Kb    356.4Kb    10.6%
peterbe copy.jpg                                     4.2Kb     10.4Kb      6.2Kb    59.7%
peterbe.jpg                                         36.7Kb     44.3Kb      7.5Kb    17.0%
pjt-mcguinty-2.jpg                                  96.8Kb    101.6Kb      4.8Kb     4.8%
sl1.jpg                                             28.7Kb     35.4Kb      6.7Kb    18.9%

That's an median of 9.3% (average of 15.3%) savings.

It's not very fast though. Some of the large files take more than a second. In total it took 23.7 seconds to create all of those optimized files. Do what you want with that fact, bear in mind that these are hopefully "once in a lifetime" operations (depending on the ephemerality of your thumbnail storage). Mind you, the really large JPEGs skew that since the median is 72.1 milliseconds and average is 527.0 milliseconds. Also, when I look through the numbers I find that the large JPGs take the longest but had the least benefit in terms of byte savings.


Chris Adams, in the comment below, inspired me to compare my trials with jpegoptim and jpegrescan. So, I took my script that generated a directory of 45 JPEGs and changed it to use jpegoptim and jpegrescan.

The mozjpeg total size of that output directory is 34.1Mb and it took a total of 23.3 seconds (median 76.4 milliseconds).

The jpegoptim & jpegrescan total size of that output directory is 35.6Mb and it took a total of 4.6 seconds (median 32.1 milliseconds).

In other words, roughly speaking mozjpeg is 4.2% more space effective and 58% slower than jpegoptim & jpegrescan.

Crash-stats just became a whole lot faster

August 25, 2015
0 comments Web development, Mozilla

tl;dr Crash-stats is Mozilla's crash reporter dashboard. Simply fixing the static assets made the site 25% faster.



(The "First Byte Time" is still terrible but that's for another discussion. We're working on a re-write of the underlying data model for that particular report.)

  • Note how the SpeedIndex dropped from 2823 to 2098 which basically means, you can see stuff sooner.

  • The Load Time used to be 5.7 seconds on average. Now it takes 3.5 seconds.

  • It used to weigh 717 KB to load the whole thing. Now it weighs 326 KB.

The only thing we changed was a long overdue correction of static asset headers and Gzip compression. Now, files with unique URLs (e.g. /static/CACHE/css/23a811f100bc.css) have maximum aggressive cache headers. And now all .js, .css and text/html is Gzipped.

Was it easy to do? Hell no!
Does it matter? Hell yeah! We don't have a lot of users or traffic on these reports but the people who use them do this for a living and making the site feel snappier for them would make their lives more productive.

Using lazy loading images on Air Mozilla

April 23, 2015
0 comments Mozilla, JavaScript

Starting today, (almost) all the thumbnails below the fold on Air Mozilla are not loaded.

The way it works, is that I use a library called Lazyr.js which notices when you scroll down and when certain pictures are going to be in view, it changes the <img> tag's src.

So it basically looks like this:

  <h3>Event 1</h3>
  <img src="event1.png">

  <h3>Event 2</h3>
  <img src="event2.png">

  <h3>Event 3</h3>
  <img src="event3.png">

  <h3>Event 4</h3>
  <img src="placeholder.png" data-lazyr="event4.png">

  <h3>Event 5</h3>
  <img src="placeholder.png" data-lazyr="event5.png">

  <h3>Event 6</h3>
  <img src="placeholder.png" data-lazyr="event6.png">

That means that to load this page it needs to download, only:


Only 4 images instead of the otherwise 6 (in this example).

When you scroll down to see the rest of the list, it then also downloads:


The actual numbers on Air Mozilla is that there are 10 events page page and I lazy load 6 of them.

You can see the results when comparing this WebPageTest with this one.

There is more work to do though. At the moment, the thumbnails in the sidebar (Trending and Upcoming events) are above the fold when you're browsing but below the fold when you're viewing an individual event. That's something I have yet to implement.

Air Mozilla on Roku

March 5, 2015
2 comments Mozilla

We're proud to announce that we've now published our first Roku channel; Air Mozilla

Browsing for Air Mozilla
We actually started this work in the third quarter of 2014 but the review process for adding a channel is really slow. The people we've talked to have been super friendly and provide really helpful feedback as to changes that need to be made. After the first submission, it took about a month for them to get back to us and after some procrastination we submitted it a second time about a month ago and yesterday we found out it's been fully published. I.e. gone live.

Obviously it would be nice if they could get back to us quicker but another thing they could improve is to appreciate that we're a team. All communication with Roku has been to just me and I always have to forward emails or add my teammates as CC when I communicate with them.

Anyway, now we can start on a version 2. We deliberately kept this first version ultra-simple just to prove that it's possible and not being held back due to feature creep.

What we're looking to add in version 2 are, in no particular order:

  1. Ability to navigate by search
  2. Ability to sign in and see restricted content
  3. Adding Trending events
  4. Ability to see what the upcoming events are

It's going to be much easier to find the energy to work on those features now that we know it's live.

Also, we currently have a problem watching live and archived streams on HTTPS. It's not a huge problem right now because we're not making any restricted content available and we're lucky in that the CDNs we use allow for HTTP traffic equally.

Remember, Air Mozilla is Open Source and we encourage people to jump in and contribute if you want to share your Python, design, Javascript or BrightScript skills.

By the way, the Air Mozilla Roku code is here and there's a README that'll get your started if you want to help out.

Fastest way to take screencaps out of videos

December 19, 2014
1 comment Linux, Web development, Mozilla

tl;dr Don't run ffmpeg over HTTP(S) and use ffmpegthumbnailer

UPDATE tl;dr Download the file then run ffmpeg with -ss HH:MM:SS first. Don't bother with ffmpegthumbnailer

At work I work on something called Air Mozilla. It's a site for hosting live video broadcasts and then archiving those so they can be retrieved later.

Unlike sites like YouTube we can't take a screencap from the video because many videos are future (aka. "upcoming") videos so instead we use a little placeholder thumbnail (for example, the Rust logo).

However, once it has been recorded we want to switch from the logo to an actual screen capture from the video itself. We set up a cronjob that uses ffmpeg to extract these as JPGs and then the users can go in and select whichever picture they like the best.

This is all work in progress by the way (as of December 2014).

One problem is that we have is that the command for extracting JPGs is really slow. So slow that we can't wrap the subprocess in a Django database connection because it's so slow that the database connection is often killed.

The command to extract them looks something like this:

ffmpeg -i -r 0.0143 /tmp/screencaps-%02d.jpg

Where the number r is based on the duration and how many pictures we want out. E.g. 0.0143 = 15 * 1049 where 15 is how many JPGs we want and 1049 is a duration of 17 minutes and 29 seconds.

The script I used first was:

My first experiment was to try to extract one picture at a time, hoping that way, internally, ffmpeg might be able to optimize something.

The second script I used was:

The third alternative was to try ffmpegthumbnailer which is an intricate wrapper on ffmpeg and it has the benefit that you can produce slightly higher picture quality too.

The third script I used was:

Bar chart comparing the 3 different scripts
And running these three depend very much on the state of my DSL at the time.

For a video clip that is 17 minutes long and a 138Mb mp4 file.   2m0.847s   11m46.734s   0m29.780s

Clearly it's not efficient to do one screenshot at a time.
Because with ffmpegthumbnailer you can tell it not to reduce the picture quality the total weight of the produced JPGs from was 784Kb and the total weight from was 1.5Mb.

Just to try again, I ran a similar experiment with a 35 minutes long and 890Mb mp4 file. And this time I didn't bother with The results were:   18m21.330s   2m48.656s

So that means that using ffmpegthumbnailer is about 5 times faster than ffmpeg. Huge difference!

And now, a curveball!

The reason for doing ffmpeg -i https://... was so that we don't have to first download the whole beast and run the command on a local file. However, in light of how so much longer this takes and my disdain to have to install and depend on a new tool (ffmpegthumbnailer) across all servers. Why not download the whole file and run the ffmpeg command locally.

So I download the file and it's slow because of my, currently, terrible home DSL. Then I run and time them again but just a local file instead:   0m20.426s   0m0.635s

Did you see that!? That's an insane difference. Clearly doing this command over HTTP(S) is a bad idea. It'll be worth downloading it first.


On Stackoverflow, LordNeckBeard gave a great tip of using the -ss option before in the input file and now it's much faster. At this point. I'm no longer interested in having to bother with ffmpegthumbnailer.

Let's fork into two versions. same as but a downloaded file instead of a remote HTTPS URL. as except we put the -ss HH:MM:SS before the input file.

Now, let's run them again on the 138Mb file:

# the 138Mb mp4.mp4 file   2m10.898s   0m0.672s

187 times faster

And again, I re-ran this again against a bigger file that is 1.4Gb:

# the 1.4Gb mp4-1.44Gb.mp4 file   10m1.143s   0m1.428s

420 times faster


June 12, 2014
2 comments Python, Mozilla, PostgreSQL

Yesterday I had the good fortune to present Crontabber to the The San Francisco Bay Area PostgreSQL Meetup Group organized by my friend Josh Berkus.

To spare you having to watch the whole presentation I'm going to summarize some of it here.

My colleague Lars also has a blog post about Crontabber and goes into a bit more details about the nitty gritty of using PostgreSQL.

What is crontabber?

It's a tool for running cron jobs. It's written in Python and PostgreSQL and it's a tool we need for Socorro which has lots and lots of stored procedures and cron jobs.

So it's basically a script that gets started by UNIX crontab and runs every 5 minutes. Internally it keeps an index of all the apps it needs to run and it manages dependencies between jobs and is self-healing meaning that if something goes wrong during run-time it just retries again and again until it works. Amongst many of the juicy features it offers on top of regular "cron wrappers" is something we call "backfilling".

Backfill jobs are jobs that happen on a periodic basis and get given a date. If all is working this date is the same as "now()" but if something was to go wrong it remembers all the dates that did not work and re-attempts with those exact dates. That means that you can guarantee that the job gets started with every date possible even if it needs to catch up on past dates.

There's plenty of documentation on how to install and create jobs but it all starts with a simple pip install crontabber.

To get a feel for how you write crontabber "apps", checkout the ones for Socorro or flick through the slides in the PDF.

Is it mature?

Yes! It all started in early 2012 as a part of the Socorro code base and after some hard months of it stabalizing and maturing we decided to extract it out of Socorro and into its own project on GitHub under the Mozilla Public Licence 2.0 licence. Now it stands on its own legs and has no longer anything to do with Socorro and can be used for anything and anyone who has a lot of complicated cron jobs that need to run in Python with a PostgreSQL connection. In Socorro we use it primarily for executing stored procedures but that's just one type of app. You can also make it call out on to anything the command line with a "@with_subprocess" decorator.

Is it finished?

No. It works really well for us but there's a decent list of features we want to add. The hope is that by open sourcing it we can get other organizations to adopt it and not only find bugs but also contribute code to add more juicy features.

One of the soon-to-come features we have in mind is to "internalize locking". At the moment you have to wrap it in a bash script that prevents it from being run concurrently. Crontabber is single-threaded and we don't have to worry about "dependent jobs" starting before "parent jobs" because the depdendencies and their state is stored in the database. But you might need to worry about the same job (the one due next) to be started concurrently. By internalizing the locking we can store, in the state database, that a particular job is being started on and thus not have to worry about it starting the same job twice.

I really hope this project can grow and continue to support us in our needs.

Optimizing MozTrap

June 4, 2014
3 comments Web development, JavaScript, Mozilla

MozTrap is what's called a "test case management system". Basically, software QA people need a structure and pattern to their testing. What to test, what versions to test on and what hardware/operatting system etc all is part of a "test suite". That's what MozTrap manages.

So this project was built by Mozilla's automation and tools team. It is currently not an actively developed project. Not because it's not needed or used but because it basically maps all the features we need. A large part of the code base was originally written by a personal friend of mine who I respect wholeheartedly; Carl Meyer of Django/pip/virtualenv/etc fame. I'm grateful for the awesome documentation he left behind amongst many other things.

Together with the team we sat down and listed all the biggest pain points as of today. Basically, the number one thing is speed. Pages load too slowly. Normally when web developers worry themselves with web performance it's a matter of shaving milliseconds off a page where a clients perception equals lost or gained profits. Here's not a problem of milliseconds but a problem of seconds. After some quick poking around on the production site and looking at some code the conclusion is simple: The site is so darn slow because the HTML sent from the server is way too MASSIVE. And baked into that is a mixture of the poor web server having to produce a massive HTML blob and it being sent over the wire.

One test run I made said it took 14 seconds to render a certain page.

Creator drop-down

Why is it so slow?

So how did this happen and why is it not Carl's fault? :) The reason it happened was because of the underestimated number of options added to the advanced filtering drop-downs. On a local dev version you never notice these things because you set up some options, for example tags, and the drop-down never gets larger than 10-20 options. For example, the "Creator" drop-down today has 1,664 different choices.

If you take all those choices and turn thing into a HTML like this: <option value="1">Adam</option>\n<option value="2">Bram</option>... etc. you get 66Kb of just HTML. However, MozTrap doesn't work like that. Instead it uses pretty drop-downs that don't look like regular HTML drop-downs. See for yourself; go to and click the "Advanced Filtering" button.
So, that means that the HTML for each option instead looks like this:

<li class="filter-item">
  <input name="filter-creator" data-name="creator" value="1" id="id-filter-creator-1" class="check" type="checkbox">
  <span class="onoff">
    <label for="id-filter-creator-1" class="onoffswitch">Adam</label>
                <span class="pinswitch"></span>
    <span class="content" title="creator: Adam">Adam</span>

Now you get 620Kb of just HTML just for the "Creators" field. Granted, that is the biggest field of all the drop-downs but lots of them are massive.

So, this makes the page weigh a total of about 1.1Mb just for the HTML. Not only is it a lot of work for the (Django) server to generate this but it's also a heck of a lot of data to send across the Internet on every page request.

So what was the solution?

An ideal solution would have been a significant re-write whereby much of the values of the page gets rewritten as later AJAX calls. I.e. load a skeleton that loads superfast, and then load some AJAX in the background. That AJAX could potentially be cached in the browser with localStorage or something so that you get something to show very quickly whilst you wait for the AJAX request to complete. But this would have been too big a change and the way the filtering works on these pages, you actually need all the options in the drop-downs on immediate load because of the way "pinned filters" work.

So the solution was to replace all the repeated HTML chunks with 1 JSON string and then a piece of Javascript template rendering. So, in the Django template code instead of:

{% for field in filters %}
  {% include "lists/_filter_group.html" with advanced=1 prefix="filter" pinable=1 %}
{% endfor %}

We now replace this with:

var FILTERS = {% filterset_to_json filters with advanced=1 prefix="filter" pinable=1 %}
<script id="filter_group" type="text/html">
<section class="filter-group {{ field.cls }}" data-name="{{ field.key }}">
  <h5 class="category-title">
    {{ _field_name_lower }}
    {{# field.switchable }}

What that basically is is some Mustache code that I use to generate the HTML DOM nodes and insert into the page after load.

In conclusion

So basically nothing changes. Nothing of the Django view had to change. Visually there's no difference and the same actual user data is sent from the server to the client but just packed in a more optimal way.

There are multiple pages where these massive "Advanced Filtering" options exist but on one page I measured the whole page went from weighing 1.1Mb down to 132Kb.