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Bestest and securest way to handle Python dependencies

February 1, 2016
1 comment Python

pip 8 is out and with it, the ability to only install dependencies you've vetted. Thank Erik Rose! Now you can be absolutely certain that dependencies you downloaded and installed locally is absolutely identical to the dependencies you download and install in your production server.


So your server needs pip to install those dependencies safely and securely. Initially you have to trust the pip/virtualenv that is installed globally on the system. If you can trust it but unsure it's a good version of pip version 8 and up, that's where comes in. It makes sure you get a pip version installed that supports pip install with hashes:

Add to your git/hg repo and use it to make sure you have a good pip. For example your deployment script might look like this now:

git pull origin master
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python ./tools/
pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt

Then hashin

Thanks to pipstrap we now have a version of pip that really does check the hashes you've put in the requirements.txt file.

(By the way, the --require-hashes on pip install is optional. pip will imply it if the requirements.txt file appears to have hashes defined. But to avoid the risk and you accidentally fumbling a bad requirements.txt it's good to specify --require-hashes to pip install)

Now that you're up and running and you sleep well at night because you know your production server has exactly the same dependencies you had when you did the development and unit testing, how do you get the hashes in there?

The tricks is to install hashin. (pip install hashin). It helps you write those hashes.

Suppose you have a requirements.txt file that looks like this:


You can try to run pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt and learn from the errors. E.g.:

Hashes are required in --require-hashes mode, but they are missing from some requirements. 
Here is a list of those requirements along with the hashes their downloaded archives actually 
had. Add lines like these to your requirements files to prevent tampering. (If you did not 
enable --require-hashes manually, note that it turns on automatically when any package has a hash.)
    Django==1.9.1 --hash=sha256:9f7ca04c6dbcf08b794f2ea5283c60156a37ebf2b8316d1027f594f34ff61101
    bgg==0.22.1 --hash=sha256:e5172c3fda0e8a42d1797fd1ff75245c3953d7c8574089a41a219204dbaad83d
    html2text==2016.1.8 --hash=sha256:088046f9b126761ff7e3380064d4792279766abaa5722d0dd765d011cf0bb079

But those are just the hashes for your particular environment (and your particular support for Python wheels). Instead, take each requirement and run it through hashin

$ hashin Django==1.9.1
$ hashin bgg==0.22.1
$ hashin html2text==2016.1.8

Now your requirements.txt will look like this:

Django==1.9.1 \
    --hash=sha256:9f7ca04c6dbcf08b794f2ea5283c60156a37ebf2b8316d1027f594f34ff61101 \
bgg==0.22.1 \
    --hash=sha256:e5172c3fda0e8a42d1797fd1ff75245c3953d7c8574089a41a219204dbaad83d \
html2text==2016.1.8 \

One Last Note

pip is smart enough to traverse the nested dependencies of packages that need to be installed. For example, suppose you do:

$ hashin premailer

It will only add...

premailer==2.9.7 \
    --hash=sha256:1516cbb972234446660bf7862b28521f0fc8b5e7f3087655f35ae5dd233013a3 \
    --hash=sha256:843e624bdac9d28725b217559904aa5a217c1a94707bc2ecef6c91a8d82f1a23 your requirements.txt. But this package has a bunch of dependencies of its own. To find out what those are, let pip "fail for you".

$ pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt
Collecting premailer==2.9.7 (from -r r.txt (line 1))
  Downloading premailer-2.9.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting lxml (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
Collecting cssutils (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
Collecting cssselect (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
In --require-hashes mode, all requirements must have their versions pinned with ==. These do not:
    lxml from (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
    cssutils from (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))
    cssselect from (from premailer==2.9.7->-r r.txt (line 1))

So apparently you need to hashin those three dependencies:

$ hashin lxml
$ hashin cssutils
$ hashin cssselect

Now your requirements.txt file will look something like this:

premailer==2.9.7 \
    --hash=sha256:1516cbb972234446660bf7862b28521f0fc8b5e7f3087655f35ae5dd233013a3 \
lxml==3.5.0 \
    --hash=sha256:349f93e3a4b09cc59418854ab8013d027d246757c51744bf20069bc89016f578 \
    --hash=sha256:8628cc82957c41be10abce889a1976ceb7b9e3f36ebffa4fcb1a80901bf77adc \
    --hash=sha256:1c9c26bb6c31c3d5b3c104e843211d9c105db60b4df6770ac42673263d55d494 \
    --hash=sha256:01e54511034333f18772c335ec0b33a76bba988135eaf727a075897866d19604 \
    --hash=sha256:2abf6cac9b7952047d8b7265384a9565e419a727dba675e83e4b7f5b7892b6bb \
cssutils==1.0.1 \
    --hash=sha256:78ac48006ac2336b9456e88a75ed35f6a31a030c65162503b7af01a60d78db5a \
cssselect==0.9.1 \

Ah... Now you feel confident.

Actually, One More Last Note

Sorry for repeating the obvious but it's so important it's worth making it loud and clear:

Use the same pip install procedure and requirements.txt file everywhere

I.e. Install the depdendencies the same way on your laptop, your continuous integration server, your staging server and production server. That really makes sure you're running the same process and the same dependencies everywhere.

A quicksearch for Bugzilla using Autocompeter

January 27, 2016
0 comments Python, Web development, Mozilla, JavaScript

Here's the final demo.

What I did was, I used the Bugzilla REST APIs to download all bugs for a specific product. Then I bulk-uploaded then to and lastly built a simply web front-end.

When you "download all" bugs with the Bugzilla REST API, it might be capped but I don't know what the limit is. The trick is to not download ALL bugs for the product in one big fat query, but to find out what all components are for that product and then download for each. The Python code is here.

Everyone's Invited to Play

So first you need to sign in on using your GitHub account. Then you can generate a Auth-Key by picking a domain. The domain can be anything really. I picked but you can use whatever you like.

Then, when you have an Auth-Key you need to know the name of the product (or products) and run the script like this:

python 7U4eFYH5cqR15m3ekuxkzaUR Socorro

Once you've done that, fork my codepen and replace the domain and any other references to the product.


To make this really useful, you'd have to run it more often. Perhaps you can hook it up to a cron job or something and make it so that you only download, from the REST API, things that have changed since the last time you did a big download. Then you can let the cron job run frequently.

If you want really hot results, you could hook up a server-side service that consumes the Bugzfeed websocket.

Last but not least; this will never list private/secure bugs. Only publically available stuff.

The Future

If people enjoy it perhaps we can change the front-end demo so it's not hardcoded to one specific product ("Socorro" in my case). And it can be made pretty.

And the data would need to be downloaded and re-submitted more frequently. A quick Heroku app mayhaps?

hashin - a replacement for peepin

January 26, 2016
0 comments Python

tl;dr Stop using peepin. Start using hashin

Today I proudly release hashin (on PyPI). It's a replacement of peepin (on PyPI). Yes, I know that's confusing.

A couple of days ago my friend Erik Rose gloriously took his peep project and got it embedded in pip 8.0 proper so, as of that, the right thing to do is to upgrade to pip 8 and delete your

With that change, it no longer makes sense to use peepin. It had a good run. Bye bye.

But much of the code lives on in hashin. It's basically a fork but with different logics on A) how it gets the hash and B) how it renders the automatic changes to your requirements file.

First, if you haven't already done so:

$ pip install -U peep pip
$ pip --version  # version 8 right?
$ peep port requirements.txt
$ pip uninstall peep
$ pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt

Check out Erik's guide.

Now, you can deal with the companion.

$ pip uninstall peepin
$ pip install hashin
$ touch /tmp/test.txt
$ hashin --verbose html2text simplejson /tmp/test.txt

What's Next?

If Erik managed to get peep into pip, surely I can get hashin into pip. Hoping for some encouragement from @dstufft and @jezdez :)

Advanced Closure Compiler vs UglifyJS2

January 20, 2016
12 comments JavaScript

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post titled "Comparing Google Closure with UglifyJS". It concluded that Closure Compiler compressed files down to 45.6% of the original size. And UglifyJS only 51.5%. But UglifyJS was 1220% faster so I concluded that I'm going to stick to UglifyJS.

But things have changed since 2011. UglifyJS2 came out and stealthy replaced the original implementation (npm install uglify-js) and it has a --mangle option. Also, in the original experimental blog post I didn't use -O advanced when using Closure Compiler.

So I whip up a quick script to compare the two. Here's some of the output:

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.

December 5, 2015
0 comments Python, Web development, Django, JavaScript, React

tl;dr is a free GitHub webhook service that emails people when commits have the configurable keyword "headsup" in it.

Introduction is great for when you have a GitHub project with multiple people working on it and when you make a commit you want to notify other people by email.

Basically, you set up a GitHub Webhook, on pushes, to push to and then it'll parse the incoming push and its commits and look for certain things in the commit message. By default, it'll look for the word "headsup". For example, a git commit message might look like this:

fixes #123 - more juice in the Saab headsup! will require updating

Or you can use the multi-line approach where the first line is short and sweat and after the break a bit more elaborate:

bug 1234567 - tea kettle upgrade 2.1

Headsup: Next time you git pull from master, remember to run 
peep install on the requirements.txt file since this commit 
introduces a bunch of crazt dependency changes.

Git commits that come through that don't have any match on this word will simply be ignored by Headsupper.

How you use it

Maybe paradoxically, you need to authenticate with your GitHub account but that's in read-only mode and does NOT set up the Webhook for you. The reason you have to authenticate to prepare a configuration on is to tie the configuration to a real user.

Once you've authenticated you get the option to create your first configuration, then you have to enter at least these three piece of information:

  1. The GitHub "full name". This is the org name, slash, repo name. E.g. peterbe/django-peterbecom or mozilla/socorro.
  2. Pick a secret. Remember what you typed, because you'll need to type in this same secret when you set up the Webhook on your GitHub project's Webhooks page. (This is used to checksum and verify the source of the Webhook push)
  3. Who to send to. A list of email addresses separated with a newline or a semi-colon.

Once you've set that up, you'll need to go to your GitHub project's Setting page and enter a new Webhook and the URL you need to type in is and for the "Secret" type in that secret you used earlier. That's it!

Rules and options

The word that triggers is configurable by you. The default is headsupper. And by default, it's case insensitive. You can change that so it's case sensitive. Also, the word has to be word delimited on the left (e.g. a space or a newline character) and on the right it needs to be a space, a : or a !. So this won't match: theheadsup: or headsupper.

Other optional things you can configure are:

  • Which git branch to trigger on (by default it's master)
  • Which emails to CC when it sends
  • Which emails to BCC when it sends
  • Only send when you make a tag

That last option, Only send when a new tag is created, is interesting. I added that option because at work, we make production server releases by pushing a git tag. When a tag is pushed, all those commits are sent to the continuous deployment service which makes a server upgrade. This means you get a chance to enter a heads up message to be emailed to the people who care about new deployments going out.

How it was built

It's a mix between Django and ReactJS. The whole client-side app it built statically with Webpack in ES6. It's served as static files through Nginx. But Nginx is making an exception on all URLs that start with /api or /accounts. The /api/* it used for loading and setting JSON. The /accounts/* is used for the GitHub OAuth endpoints.

What's interesting about this the architecture is that it's using HTTP cookies. Not API tokens. Cookies are quite good in that they're established and the browser does all the automated work of keeping it secure and making each request potentially authenticated.

Here's the relevant React code and here's the relevant Django code that processes the Webhook.

The whole project is available on:

Also, I made a demo at the November Mozilla Beer and Tell.

Django forms and making datetime inputs localized

December 4, 2015
2 comments Python, Django


To change from one timezone aware datetime to another, turn it into a naive datetime and then use pytz's localize() method to convert it back to the timezone you want it to be.


Suppose you have a Django form where you allow people to enter a date, e.g. 2015-06-04 13:00. You have to save it timezone aware, because you have settings.USE_TZ on and it's just many times to store things in timezone aware dates.

By default, if you have settings.USE_TZ and no timezone information is in the string that the django.form.fields.DateTimeField parses, it will use settings.TIME_ZONE and that timezone might be different from what it really should be. For example, in my case, I have an app where you can upload a CSV file full of information about events. These events belong to a venue which I have in the database. Every venue has a timezone, e.g. Europe/Berlin or US/Pacific. So if someone uploads a CSV file for the Berlin location 2015-06-04 13:00 means 13:00 o'clock in Berlin. I don't care where the server is hosted and what its settings.TIME_ZONE is. I need to make that input timezone aware specifically for Berlin/Europe.


Suppose you have settings.TIME_ZONE == 'US/Pacific' and you let the django.form.fields.DateTimeField do its magic you get something you don't want:

>>> from django.conf import settings
>>> settings.TIME_ZONE
>>> assert settings.USE_TZ
>>> from django.forms.fields import DateTimeField
>>> DateTimeField().clean('2015-06-04 13:00')
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 4, 13, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'US/Pacific' PDT-1 day, 17:00:00 DST>)

See! That's wrong. Sort of. Not Django's fault. What I need to do is to convert that datetime object into one that is timezone aware on the Europe/Berlin timezone.

In old versions of pytz, specifically <=2014.2 you could do this:

>>> import pytz
>>> pytz.VERSION
>>> from django.forms.fields import DateTimeField
>>> date = DateTimeField().clean('2015-06-04 13:00')
>>> date
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 4, 13, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'US/Pacific' PDT-1 day, 17:00:00 DST>)
>>> date.replace(tzinfo=tz)
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 4, 13, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Berlin' CET+1:00:00 STD>)

But in modern versions of pytz you can't do that because if you don't use the pytz.timezone instance to localize it will use the default version which might be one of those crazy "Local Mean Time" which they used a 100 years ago. E.g.

>>> import pytz
>>> pytz.VERSION
>>> from django.forms.fields import DateTimeField
>>> date = DateTimeField().clean('2015-06-04 13:00')
>>> tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin')
>>> date.replace(tzinfo=tz)
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 4, 13, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Berlin' LMT+0:53:00 STD>)

See, it's that crazy LMT+0:53:00 that's oft talked of on Stackoverflow!

Here's the trick

The trick is to use pytz.timezone(MY TIME ZONE NAME).localize(MY NAIVE DATETIME OBJECT). When you use the .localize() method pytz can use the date to make sure it uses the right conversion for that named timezone.

And in the case of our overly smart django.form.fields.DateTimeField it means we need to convert it back into a naive datetime object and then localize it.

>>> import pytz
>>> pytz.VERSION
>>> from django.forms.fields import DateTimeField
>>> date = DateTimeField().clean('2015-06-04 13:00')
>>> date = date.replace(tzinfo=None)
>>> date
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 4, 13, 0)
>>> tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin')
>>> tz.localize(date)
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 4, 13, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Berlin' CEST+2:00:00 DST>)

That was much harder than it needed to be. Timezones are hard. Especially when you have the human element of people typing in things and just, rightfully, expect the system to figure it out and get it right.

I hope this helps the next schmuck who has/had to set aside an hour to figure this out.


November 11, 2015
4 comments Python, Web development, Mozilla

Whatsdeployed was a tool I developed for my work at Mozilla. I think many other organizations can benefit from using it too.

So, on many sites, what we do when deploying a site, is that we note which git sha was used and write that to a file which is then exposed via the web server. Like this for example. If you know that sha and what's at the tip of the master branch on the project's GitHub page, you can build up an interesting dashboard that allows you to see what's available and what's been deployed.

Sample Whatsdeployed screen for the Mozilla Socorro project
The other really useful case is when you have more than just one environment. For example, you might have a dev, stage and prod environment and, always lastly, the master branch on GitHub. Now you can see what code has been shipped on prod versus your staging environment for example.

This is one of those far too few projects that you build quickly one Friday afternoon and it turns out to be surprisingly useful to a lot of people. I for one, check various projects like this several times per day.

The code is on GitHub and it's basically a tiny bit of Flask with some jQuery doing a couple of AJAX requests. If you enjoy it and use it, please share.


Blogged about a facelift, Jan 2018

Chainable catches in a JavaScript promise

November 5, 2015
6 comments Web development, JavaScript

If you have a Promise that you're executing, you can chain multiple things quite nicely by simply returning the value as it "passes through".
For example:

new Promise((resolve) => {
  resolve('some value')
.then((value) => {
  console.log('1', value)
  return value
.then((value) => {
  console.log('2', value)
  return value

This will console log

1 some value
2 some value

And you can add more .then() to it. As many as you like. Just remember to "play ball" by passing the value. In fact, you can actually pass a different value. Like this for example:

new Promise((resolve) => {
  resolve('some value')
.then((value) => {
  console.log('1', value)
  return value
.then((value) => {
  console.log('2', value)
  return value.toUpperCase()
.then((value) => {
  console.log('3', value)
  return value

Demo here. This'll console log

1 some value
2 some value

But how do you do the same with multiple .catch()?

This is NOT how you do it:

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  reject('some reason')
.catch((reason) => {
  console.warn('1', reason)
  return reason
.catch((reason) => {
  console.warn('2', reason)
  return reason

Demo here. When you run that you just get:

1 some reason

To chain catches you have to re-raise (aka re-throw) it:

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  reject('some reason')
.catch((reason) => {
  console.warn('1', reason)
  throw reason
.catch((reason) => {
  console.warn('2', reason)

Demo here. The output if you run this is:

1 some value
2 some value

But you have to be a bit more careful here. Note that in the second .catch() it doesn't re-throw the reason one last time. If you do that, you get a general JavaScript error on that page. I.e. an unhandled error that makes it all the way out to the web console. Meaning, you have to be aware of errors and take care of them.

Why does this matter?

It matters because you might want to have a, for example, low level and a high level dealing with errors. For example, you might want to log all exceptions AND still pass them along so that higher level code can be aware of it. For example, suppose you have a function that fetches data using the fetch API. You use it from multiple places and you don't want to have to log it everywhere. Instead, that wrapping function can be responsible for logging it but you still have to deal with it.

For example, this is contrived by not totally unrealistic code:

let fetcher = (url) => {
  // this function might be more advanced
  // and do other fancy things
  return fetch(url)

// 1st
.then((response) => {
  document.querySelector('#result').textContent = response
.catch((exception) => {
  console.error('oh noes!', exception)
  document.querySelector('#result-error').style['display'] = 'block'

// 2nd
.then((response) => {
  document.querySelector('#other').textContent = response
.catch((exception) => {
  console.error('oh noes!', exception)
  document.querySelector('#other-error').style['display'] = 'block'

Demo here

Notice how each .catch() handler does the same kind of logging but deals with the error in a human way differently.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could have a general and central .catch() for logging but continue dealing with the errors in a human way?

Here's one such example:

let fetcher = (url) => {
  // this function might be more advanced
  // and do other fancy things
  return fetch(url)
  .catch((exception) => {
    console.error('oh noes! on:', url, 'exception:', exception)
    throw exception

// 1st
.then((response) => {
  document.querySelector('#result').textContent = response
.catch(() => {
  document.querySelector('#result-error').style['display'] = 'block'

// 2nd
.then((response) => {
  document.querySelector('#other').textContent = response
.catch(() => {
  document.querySelector('#other-error').style['display'] = 'block'

Demo here

Here you get the best of both worlds. You have a central place where all exceptions are logged in a nice way, and the higher level code only has to deal with the human way of explaining that something went wrong.

It's pretty basic but it's probably useful to somebody else who gets confused about how to deal with exceptions in promises.