Announcing: Spot the Difference

February 23, 2025
0 comments React, Bun, JavaScript

Spot the Difference is a web app where you're shown two snippets of code (programming, config files, style sheets, etc) and you're supposed to find the one difference. If you get it right, you get showered in confetti.

This started as an excuse to try out some relevant patterns in React that I was working on. I was also curious about writing a SPA (Single Page App) using Bun and React Router v7 (as a library). It started as a quick prototype, with no intention to keep it. But then I found it was quite fun to play and I liked the foundation of the prototype code; so I decided to clean it up and keep it. After all, it's free.

There's a goose on the home page because when I first showed my son the prototype, I said: "It's a silly goose game. Wanna try it?". So it stuck.

Game play in light mode

The technology behind it

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Use 'key' in React components to reset them

February 12, 2025
0 comments React

I'm sure you've seen this React code:

  { => <li key={}>{}</li>)}

The key prop is necessary so each element is identifiable.

But did you know you can pass key to a component even though there's no .map(...) or other array of React elements.

Consider this simplified app:

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How to send custom headers in a loader in react-router v7

February 7, 2025
0 comments React, JavaScript

tl;dr; Use data() in your loader function and make your headers function pass it on to get headers be dependent on what's happening in the loader function.

I recently rewrote the front end of this website from Remix to react-router v7. A route is a page, which can be something like /about or have a parameter in it like /blog/:slug.

The way react-router v7 (the "framework mode") works is that your route looks like this:

import type { Route } from "./+types/post"

export async function loader({ params }: Route.LoaderArgs) {
  const post = await fetchPost(params.slug)
  return { post }

export default function Component({loaderData}: Route.ComponentProps) {
  return <h1>{}</h1>

So good for so far. But suppose you want this page to have a certain header, depending on the value of the post object. To set headers, you have to add an exported function called, surprise surprise; headers. For example:

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An ideal pattern to combine React Router with TanStack Query

November 18, 2024
1 comment React, JavaScript

I'm writing this blog post from an admin interface I built, which is a web app frontend for the backend behind It's built as a single-page app in Vite, with React.
Vite, unlike frameworks like Remix or Next, doesn't come with its own routing. You have to add that yourself. I added React Router. Another thing you have to do yourself is a way to load remote data into the app for display and for manipulation. This is done as XHR requests happen on the client side. For that, I chose TanStack Query. If you haven't used it but used React, it's sugar for this type of code:


const [stuff, setStuff] = useState(null)
const [error, setError] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
    .then(r => r.json())
    .then(data => setStuff(data)
    .catch(err => setError(err))
}, [])

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How I make my Vite dev server experience faster

October 22, 2024
0 comments React, Node, JavaScript

I have a web app that operates as a SPA (Single Page App). It's built on regular Vite + React + TypeScript. In production you just host the built static assets, but in development (for hot module reloading and stuff) I use the built-in dev server in Vite. This is what you get when you type vite without any other command line arguments.

But here's what happens, you're in the terminal and you type npm run dev and hit Enter. Then, using your trackpad or keyboard shortcuts you switch over to a browser tab and go to http://localhost:5173/. When you get there to the first request, Vite starts at the entry point, which is src/main.tsx and from there, it looks at its imports and starts transpiling the files needed. You can see what happens with vite --debug transform.

With debug:

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The performance benefits of code-split an SPA

October 12, 2024
0 comments React

This isn't a comprehensive in-depth analysis but I have this SPA which is built with Vite + React.
When you run npm run build it produces:

vite v5.4.8 building for production...
✓ 8210 modules transformed.
dist/index.html                             0.76 kB │ gzip:   0.43 kB
dist/assets/images-xTxpPavl.css             2.02 kB │ gzip:   0.55 kB
dist/assets/index-IHK6QBxo.css            200.12 kB │ gzip:  29.85 kB
dist/assets/index-jgmGYYS9.js               0.79 kB │ gzip:   0.51 kB
dist/assets/open-graph-image-Ca6hLYnz.js    1.47 kB │ gzip:   0.82 kB
dist/assets/images-CwbhV2EW.js             28.75 kB │ gzip:  10.37 kB
dist/assets/pageviews-C6NSq649.js         378.67 kB │ gzip: 106.42 kB
dist/assets/index-HpyQl1NK.js             490.15 kB │ gzip: 154.11 kB
✓ built in 4.46s

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How to handle success and failure in @tanstack/react-query useQuery hook

September 16, 2024
0 comments React, JavaScript

What @tanstack/react-query is is a fancy way of fetching data, on the client, in a React app.

Simplified primer by example; instead of...

function MyComponent() {
  const [userInfo, setUserInfo] = useState(null)
  useEffect(() => {
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {
  }, [])

  return <div>Username: {userInfo ? userInfo.user_name : <em>not yet known</em>}</div>

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Wouter + Vite is the new create-react-app, and I love it

August 16, 2024
0 comments React, Node, Bun

If you've done React for a while, you most likely remember Create React App. It was/is a prepared config that combines React with webpack, and eslint. Essentially, you get immediate access to making apps with React in a local dev server and it produces a complete build artefact that you can upload to a web server and host your SPA (Single Page App). I loved it and blogged much about it in distant past.

The create-react-app project died, and what came onto the scene was tools that solved React rendering configs with SSR (Server Side Rendering). In particular, we now have great frameworks like Gatsby, Next.js, Remix, and Astro. They're great, especially if you want to use server-side rendering with code-splitting by route and that sweet TypeScript integration between your server (fs, databases, secrets) and your rendering components.

However, I still think there is a place for a super light and simple SPA tool that only adds routing, hot module reloading, and build artefacts. For that, I love Vite + Wouter. At least for now :)
What's so great about it? Speed

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Notes on porting a Next.js v14 app from Pages to App Router

March 2, 2024
0 comments React, JavaScript

Unfortunately, the app I ported from using the Pages Router to using App Router, is in a private repo. It's a Next.js static site SPA (Single Page App).

It's built with npm run build and then exported so that the out/ directory is the only thing I need to ship to the CDN and it just works. There's a home page and a few dynamic routes whose slugs depend on an SQL query. So the SQL (PostgreSQL) connection, using knex, has to be present when running npm run build.

In no particular order, let's look at some differences

Build times

With caching

After running next build a bunch of times, the rough averages are:

  • Pages Router: 20.5 seconds
  • App Router: 19.5 seconds

Without caching

After running rm -fr .next && next build a bunch of times, the rough averages are:

  • Pages Router: 28.5 seconds
  • App Router: 31 seconds


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Switching from Next.js to Vite + wouter

July 28, 2023
0 comments React, Node, JavaScript

Next.js is a full front-end web framework. Vite is a build tool so they don't easily compare. But if you're building a single-page app ("SPA"), the difference isn't that big, especially if you bolt on a routing library which is something that Next.js has built in.

My SPA is a relatively straight forward one. It's a React app that uses wonderful Mantine UI framework. The app is CRM for real-estate agents that I've been hacking on with my wife. SEO is not a concern because you can't do anything until you've signed in. So server-side rendering is not a requirement. In that sense, it's like loading Gmail. Yes, users might want a speedy first load when they open it in a fresh new browser tab, but the static assets are most likely going to be heavily (browser) cached by the few users it has.

With that out of the way, let's skim through some of the differences.

Build times

Immediately, this is a tricky one to compare because Next.js has the ability to cache. You get that .next/cache/ directory which is black magic to me, but it clearly speeds things up. And it's incremental so the caching can help partially when only some of the code has changed.

Running, npm run build && npm run export a couple of times yields:


Without no .next/cache/ directory

Total time to run npm run build && npm run export: 52 seconds

With the .next/cache/ left before each build

Total time to run npm run build && npm run export: 30 seconds


Total time to run npm run build: 12 seconds

A curious thing about Vite here is that its output contains a measurement of the time it took. But I ignored that and used /usr/bin/time -h ... instead. This gives me the total time.
I.e. the output of npm run build will say:

✓ built in 7.67s

...but it actually took 12.2 seconds with /usr/bin/time.

Build artifacts

Perhaps not very important because Next.js automatically code splits in its wonderfully clever way.


❯ du -sh out
1.8M    out
❯ tree out | rg '\.js|\.css' | wc -l


❯ du -sh dist
960K    dist


❯ tree dist/assets
├── index-1636ae43.css
└── index-d568dfbf.js

Again, it's probably unfair to compare at this point. Most of the weight of these static assets (particularly the .js files) is due to Mantine components being so heavy.


This isn't really a judgment in any way. More of a record how it differs in functionality.


In my app, that I'm switching from Next.js to Vite + wouter, I use the old way of using Next.js which is to use a src/pages/* directory. For example, to make a route to the /account/settings page I first create:

// src/pages/account/settings.tsx

import { Settings } from "../../components/account/settings"

const Page = () => {
  return <Settings />
export default Page

I'm glad I built it this way in the first place. When I now port to Vite + wouter, I don't really have to touch that src/components/account/settings.tsx code because that component kinda assumes it's been invoked by some routing.

Vite + wouter

First I installed the router in the src/App.tsx. Abbreviated code:

// src/App.tsx

import { Routes } from "./routes"

export default function App() {
  const { myTheme, colorScheme, toggleColorScheme } = useMyTheme()
  return (
      <MantineProvider withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS theme={myTheme}>
        <Routes />

By the way, the code for Next.js looks very similar in its src/pages/_app.tsx with all those contexts that Mantine make you wrap things in.

And here's the magic routing:

// src/routes.tsx

import { Router, Switch, Route } from "outer"

import { Home } from "./components/home"
import { Authenticate } from "./components/authenticate"
import { Settings } from "./components/account/settings"
import { Custom404 } from "./components/404"

export function Routes() {
  return (
        <Route path="/signin" component={Authenticate} />
        <Route path="/account/settings" component={Settings} />
        {/* many more lines like this ... */}

        <Route path="/" component={Home} />

          <Custom404 />

Redirecting with router

This is a made-up example, but it demonstrates the pattern with wouter compared to Next.js


const { push } = useRouter()

useEffect(() => {
  if (user) {
}, [user])


const [, setLocation] = useLocation()

useEffect(() => {
  if (user) {
}, [user])



import Link from 'next/link'

// ...

<Link href="/settings" passHref>


import { Link } from "wouter"

// ...

<Link href="/settings">

Getting a query string value


import { useRouter } from "next/router"

// ...

const { query } = useRouter()

if ( {
  const name = Array.isArray( ?[0] :
  // ...


import { useSearch } from "wouter/use-location"

// ...

const search = useSearch()
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(search)

if (searchParams.get('name')) {
  const name = searchParams.get('name')
  // ...


The best thing about Next.js is its momentum. It gets lots of eyes on it. Lots of support opportunities and great chance of its libraries being maintained well into the future. Vite also has great momentum and adaptation. But wouter is less "common".

Comparing apples and oranges is often counter-productive if you don't take all constraints and angles into account and those are usually quite specific. In my case, I just want to build a single-page app. I don't want a Node server. In fact, my particular app is a Python backend that does all the API responses from a fetch in the JavaScript app. That Python app also serves the built static files, including the dist/index.html file. That's how my app can serve the app straight away if the current URL is something like /account/settings. A piece of Python code (more or less the only code that doesn't serve /api/* URLs) collapses all initial serving URLs to serve the dist/index.html file. It's a classic pattern and honestly feels a bit dated in 2023. But it works. And what's so great about all of this is that I have a multi-stage Dockerfile that first does the npm run build (and some COPY --from=frontend /home/node/app/dist ./server/out) and now I can "lump" together the API backend and the front-end code in just 1 server (which I host on Digital Ocean).

If you had to write a SPA in 2023 what would you use? In particular, if it has to be React. Remix is all about server-side rendering. Create-react-app is completely unsupported. Building it from scratch yourself rolling your own TypeScript + Eslint + Rollup/esbuild/Parcel/Webpack does not feel productive unless you have enough time and energy to really get it all right.

In terms of comparing the performance between Next.js and Vite + wouter, the time it takes to build the whole app is actually not that big a deal. It's a rare thing to do. It's something I do after a long coding/debugging session. What's more pressing is how npm run dev works.
With Vite, I type npm run dev and hit Enter. Faster than I can almost notice, after hitting Enter I see...

VITE v4.4.6  ready in 240 ms

  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:3000/
  ➜  Network: use --host to expose
  ➜  press h to show help

and I'm ready to open http://localhost:3000/ to play. With Next.js, after having typed npm run dev and Enter, there's this slight but annoying delay before it's ready.

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