tl;dr Stop using peepin. Start using hashin

Today I proudly release hashin (on PyPI). It's a replacement of peepin (on PyPI). Yes, I know that's confusing.

A couple of days ago my friend Erik Rose gloriously took his peep project and got it embedded in pip 8.0 proper so, as of that, the right thing to do is to upgrade to pip 8 and delete your

With that change, it no longer makes sense to use peepin. It had a good run. Bye bye.

But much of the code lives on in hashin. It's basically a fork but with different logics on A) how it gets the hash and B) how it renders the automatic changes to your requirements file.

First, if you haven't already done so:

$ pip install -U peep pip
$ pip --version  # version 8 right?
$ peep port requirements.txt
$ pip uninstall peep
$ pip install --require-hashes -r requirements.txt

Check out Erik's guide.

Now, you can deal with the companion.

$ pip uninstall peepin
$ pip install hashin
$ touch /tmp/test.txt
$ hashin --verbose html2text simplejson /tmp/test.txt

What's Next?

If Erik managed to get peep into pip, surely I can get hashin into pip. Hoping for some encouragement from @dstufft and @jezdez :)


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