By default, running npm install will do a security audit of your installed packages. That audit is fast but it still takes a bit of time. To disable it you can either add --no-audit or you can...:

cat .npmrc

But how much does the audit take when running npm install? To find out, I wrote this:

import random
import statistics
import subprocess
import time
from collections import defaultdict

def f1():
    subprocess.check_output("npm install".split())

def f2():
    subprocess.check_output("npm install --no-audit".split())

functions = f1, f2

times = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(25):
    f = random.choice(functions)

    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    times[f.__name__].append(t1 - t0)

for f_name in sorted(times.keys()):
        f"mean: {statistics.mean(times[f_name]):.1f}s".ljust(10),
        f"median: {statistics.median(times[f_name]):.1f}s",

Note how it runs a lot of times in case there are network hiccups and it sleeps between each run just to spread out the experiment over a longer period of time. And the results are:

f1 mean: 2.81s median: 2.57s
f2 mean: 2.25s median: 2.21s

Going by the median time, the --no-audit makes the npm install 16% faster. If you look at the mean time dropping the --no-audit can make it 25% faster.


Benito Mussolini

I didn't know about the audit=false option in .npmrc, it's good to know, thanks =)

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