Filtered by JavaScript, Python

Page 29


A "perma search" in AngularJS

November 18, 2014
0 comments AngularJS, JavaScript

A common thing in many (AngularJS) apps is to have an ng-model input whose content is used to as a filter on an ng-repeat somewhere within the page. Something like this:

<input ng-model="search">
<div ng-repeat="item in items | filter:search">...

Well, what if you want the search you make to automatically become part of the URL so that if you bookmark the search or copy the URL to someone else, the search is still there? It would be really practical. Granted, it's not always that you want this but that's something you can decide.

AngularJS 1.2 (I think) introduced the ability to set reloadOnSearch: false on a route provider and that means that you can do things like $location.hash('something') without it triggering the route provider to re-map the URL and re-start the revelant controller.

So here's a good example of (ab)using that to do a search filter which automatically updates the URL.

Check out the demo:

This works in HTML5 mode too if you're wondering.

Suppose you use many more things in your filter function other than just a free text ng-modal. Like this:

<input type="text" ng-model="">
<select ng-model="filters.year">
<option value="">All</option>
<option value="2014">2014</option>
<option value="2013">2013</option>

You might have some checkboxes and stuff too. All you need to do then is to encode that information in the hash. Something like this might be a good start:

$scope.filters = {};
$scope.$watchCollection('filters', function(value) {
    $location.hash($.param(value)); // a jQuery function

And something like this to "unparse" the params.

uwsgi and uid

November 3, 2014
4 comments Python, Linux, Django

So recently, I moved home for this blog. It used to be on AWS EC2 and is now on Digital Ocean. I wanted to start from scratch so I started on a blank new Ubuntu 14.04 and later rsync'ed over all the data bit by bit (no pun intended).

When I moved this site I copied the /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/peterbecom.ini file and started it with /etc/init.d/uwsgi start peterbecom. The settings were the same as before:

# this is /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/peterbecom.ini
virtualenv = /var/lib/django/django-peterbecom/venv
pythonpath = /var/lib/django/django-peterbecom
user = django
master = true
processes = 3
env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=peterbecom.settings
module = django_wsgi2:application

But I kept getting this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/django/django-peterbecom/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/", line 182, in _cursor
    self.connection = Database.connect(**conn_params)
  File "/var/lib/django/django-peterbecom/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/", line 164, in connect
    conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, async=async)
psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "django"

What the heck! I thought. I was able to connect perfectly fine with the same config on the old server and here on the new server I was able to do this:

django@peterbecom:~/django-peterbecom$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv)django@peterbecom:~/django-peterbecom$ ./ shell
Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from peterbecom.apps.plog.models import *
>>> BlogItem.objects.all().count()

Clearly I've set the right password in the settings/ file. In fact, I haven't changed anything and I pg_dump'ed the data over from the old server as is.

I edit edited the file psycopg2/ and added a print "DSN=", dsn and those details were indeed correct.
I'm running the uwsgi app as user django and I'm connecting to Postgres as user django.

Anyway, what I needed to do to make it work was the following change:

# this is /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/peterbecom.ini
virtualenv = /var/lib/django/django-peterbecom/venv
pythonpath = /var/lib/django/django-peterbecom
user = django
uid = django   # THIS IS ADDED
master = true
processes = 3
env = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=peterbecom.settings
module = django_wsgi2:application

The difference here is the added uid = django.

I guess by moving across (I'm currently on uwsgi I get a newer version of uwsgi or something that simply can't just take the user directive but needs the uid directive too. That or something else complicated to do with the users and permissions that I don't understand.

Hopefully, by having blogged about this other people might find it and get themselves a little productivity boost.

Go vs. Python

October 24, 2014
42 comments Python, Go

tl;dr; It's not a competition! I'm just comparing Go and Python. So I can learn Go.

So recently I've been trying to learn Go. It's a modern programming language that started at Google but has very little to do with Google except that some of its core contributors are staff at Google.

The true strength of Go is that it's succinct and minimalistic and fast. It's not a scripting language like Python or Ruby but lots of people write scripts with it. It's growing in popularity with systems people but web developers like me have started to pay attention too.

The best way to learn a language is to do something with it. Build something. However, I don't disagree with that but I just felt I needed to cover the basics first and instead of taking notes I decided to learn by comparing it to something I know well, Python. I did this a zillion years ago when I tried to learn ZPT by comparing it DTML which I already knew well.

My free time is very limited so I'm taking things by small careful baby steps. I read through An Introduction to Programming in Go by Caleb Doxey in a couple of afternoons and then I decided to spend a couple of minutes every day with each chapter and implement something from that book and compare it to how you'd do it in Python.

I also added some slightly more full examples, Markdownserver which was fun because it showed that a simple Go HTTP server that does something can be 10 times faster than the Python equivalent.

What I've learned

  • Go is very unforgiving but I kinda like it. It's like Python but with pyflakes switched on all the time.

  • Go is much more verbose than Python. It just takes so much more lines to say the same thing.

  • Goroutines are awesome. They're a million times easier to grok than Python's myriad of similar solutions.

  • In Python, the ability to write to a list and it automatically expanding at will is awesome.

  • Go doesn't have the concept of "truthy" which I already miss. I.e. in Python you can convert a list type to boolean and the language does this automatically by checking if the length of the list is 0.

  • Go gives you very few choices (e.g. there's only one type of loop and it's the for loop) but you often have a choice to pass a copy of an object or to pass a pointer. Those are different things but sometimes I feel like the computer could/should figure it out for me.

  • I love the little defer thing which means I can put "things to do when you're done" right underneath the thing I'm doing. In Python you get these try: ...20 lines... finally: it's over... things.

  • The coding style rules are very different but in Go it's a no brainer because you basically don't have any choices. I like that. You just have to remember to use gofmt.

  • Everything about Go and Go tools follow the strict UNIX pattern to not output anything unless things go bad. I like that.

  • is awesome. If you ever wonder how a built in package works you can just type it in after like this for example.

  • You don't have to compile your Go code to run it. You can simply type go run mycode.go it automatically compiles it and then runs it. And it's super fast.

  • go get can take a url like and just install it. No PyPI equivalent. But it scares me to depend on peoples master branches in GitHub. What if master is very different when I go get something locally compared to when I run go get weeks/months later on the server?


Here's a similar project comparing Python vs. JavaScript by Ilya V. Schurov

localForage vs. XHR

October 22, 2014
9 comments JavaScript

tl;dr; Fetching from IndexedDB is about 5-15 times faster than fetching from AJAX.

localForage is a wrapper for the browser that makes it easy to work with any local storage in the browser. Different browsers have different implementations. By default, when you use localForage in Firefox is that it used IndexedDB which is asynchronous by default meaning your script don't get blocked whilst waiting for data to be retrieved.

A good pattern for a "fat client" (lots of javascript, server primarly speaks JSON) is to download some data, by AJAX using JSON and then store that in the browser. Next time you load the page, you first read from the local storage in the browser whilst you wait for a fresh new JSON from the server. That way you can present data to the screen sooner. (This is how Buggy works, blogged about it here)

Another similar pattern is that you load everything by AJAX from the server, present it and store it in the local storage. Then you perdiocally (or just on onload) you send the most recent timestamp from the data you've received and the server gives you back everything new and everything that has changed by that timestamp. The advantage of this is that the payload is continuously small but the server has to make a custom response for each client whereas a big fat blob of JSON can be better cached and such. However, oftentimes the data is dependent on your credentials/cookie anyway so most possibly you can't do much caching.

Anyway, whichever pattern you attempt I thought it'd be interesting to get a feel for how much faster it is to retrieve from the browsers memory compared to doing a plain old AJAX GET request. After all, browsers have seriously optimized for AJAX requests these days so basically the only thing standing in your way is network latency.

So I wrote a little comparison script that tests this. It's here:

It retrieves a 225Kb JSON blob from the server and measures how long that took to become an object. Equally it does the same with localforage.getItem and then it runs this 10 times and compares the times. It's obviously not a surprise the local storage retrieval is faster, what's interesting is the difference in general.

What do you think? I'm sure both sides can be optimized but at this level it feels quite realistic scenarios.


October 20, 2014
2 comments Python, Web development, Django

In action
A couple of weeks ago we had accidentally broken our production server (for a particular report) because of broken HTML. It was an unclosed tag which rendered everything after that tag to just plain white. Our comprehensive test suite failed to notice it because it didn't look at details like that. And when it was tested manually we simply missed the conditional situation when it was caused. Neither good excuses. So it got me thinking how can we incorporate HTML (html5 in particular) validation into our test suite.

So I wrote a little gist and used it a bit on a couple of projects and was quite pleased with the results. But I thought this might be something worthwhile to keep around for future projects or for other people who can't just copy-n-paste a gist.

With that in mind I put together a little package with a README and a and now you can use it too.

There are however some caveats. Especially if you intend to run it as part of your test suite.

Caveat number 1

You can't flood Well, you can I guess. It would be really evil of you and kittens will die. If you have a test suite that does things like response = self.client.get(reverse('myapp:myview')) and there are many tests you might be causing an obscene amount of HTTP traffic to them. Which brings us on to...

Caveat number 2

The site is written in Java and it's open source. You can basically download their validator and point django-html-validator to it locally. Basically the way it works is java -jar vnu.jar myfile.html. However, it's slow. Like really slow. It takes about 2 seconds to run just one modest HTML file. So, you need to be patient.

Premailer on Python 3

October 8, 2014
1 comment Python

Premailer is probably my most successful open source project in recent years. I base that on the fact that 25 different people have committed to it.

Today I merged a monster PR by Michael Jason Smith of

What it does is basically that it makes premailer work in Python 3, PyPy and Python 2.6. Check out the tox.ini file. Test coverage is still 100%.

If you look at the patch the core of the change is actually surprisingly little. The majority of the "secret sauce" is basically a bunch of import statements which are split by if sys.version_info >= (3, ): and some various minor changes around encoding UTF-8. The rest of the changes are basically test sit-ups.

A really interesting thing that hit us was that the code had assumptions about the order of things. Basically the tests assumed the the order of certain things in the resulting output was predictable even though it was done using a dict. dicts are famously unreliable in terms of the order you get things out and it's meant to be like that and it's a design choice. The reason it worked till now is not only luck but quite amazing.

Anyway, check it out. Now that we have a tox.ini file it should become much easier to run tests which I hope means patches will be better checked as they come in.

An AngularJS directive with itself as the attribute

September 3, 2014
8 comments JavaScript, AngularJS

Because this took me quite a while to figure out, I thought I'd share in case somebody else is falling into the same pit of confusion.

When you write an attribute directive in angularjs you might want to have it fed by an attribute value.
For example, something like this:

<div my-attribute="somevalue"></div>

How then do you create a new scope that takes that in? It's not obvious. Any here's how you do it:

app.directive('myAttribute', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
            myAttribute: '='
        template: '<div style="font-weight:bold">{{ myAttribute | number:2 }}</div>'

The trick to notice is that the "self attribute" because the name of the attribute in camel case.

Thanks @mythmon for helping me figure this out.

premailer now with 100% test coverage

August 22, 2014
0 comments Python

One of my most popular GitHub Open Source projects is premailer. It's a python library for combining HTML and CSS into HTML with all its CSS inlined into tags. This is a useful and necessary technique when sending HTML emails because you can't send those with an external CSS file (or even a CSS style tag in many cases).

The project has had 23 contributors so far and as always people come in get some itch they have scratched and then leave. I really try to get good test coverage and when people come with code I almost always require that it should come with tests too.

But sometimes you miss things. Also, this project was born as a weekend hack that slowly morphed into an actual package and its own repository and I bet there was code from that day that was never fully test covered.

So today I combed through the code and plugged all the holes where there wasn't test coverage.
Also, I set up Coveralls (project page) which is an awesome service that hooks itself up with Travis CI so that on every build and every Pull Request, the tests are run with --with-cover on nosetests and that output is reported to Coveralls.

The relevant changes you need to do are:

1) You need to go to (sign in with your GitHub account) and add the repo.
2) Edit your .travis.yml file to contain the following:

    - pip install coverage
    - pip install coveralls
    - coveralls

And you need to execute your tests so that coverage is calculated (the coverage module stores everything in a .coverage file which coveralls analyzes and sends). So in my case I change to this:

    - nosetests premailer --with-cover --cover-erase --cover-package=premailer

3) You must also give coveralls some clues. So it reports on only the relevant files. Here's what mine looked like:

source = premailer

omit = premailer/test*

Now, I get to have a cute "coverage: 100%" badge in the README and when people post pull requests Coveralls will post a comment to reflect how the pull request changes the test coverage.

I am so grateful for all these wonderful tools. And it's all free too!

Aggressively prefetching everything you might click

August 20, 2014
13 comments This site, Web development, JavaScript

I just rolled out a change here on my personal blog which I hope will make my few visitors happy.

**Basically; when you hover over a link (local link) long enough it prefetches it (with AJAX) so that if you do click it's hopefully already cached in your browser. **

If you hover over a link and almost instantly hover out it cancels the prefetching. The assumption here is that if you deliberately put your mouse cursor over a link and proceed to click on it you want to go there. Because your hand is relatively slow I'm using the opportunity to prefetch it even before you have clicked. Some hands are quicker than others so it's not going to help for the really quick clickers.

What I also had to do was set a Cache-Control header of 1 hour on every page so that the browser can learn to cache it.

The effect is that when you do finally click the link, by the time your browser loads it and changes the rendered output it'll hopefully be able to do render it from its cache and thus it becomes visually ready faster.

Let's try to demonstrate this with this horrible animated gif:
(or download the file)

1. Hover over a link (in this case the "Now I have a Gmail account" from 2004)
2. Notice how the Network panel preloads it
3. Click it after a slight human delay
4. Notice that when the clicked page is loaded, its served from the browser cache
5. Profit!

So the code that does is is quite simply:

$(function() {
  var prefetched = [];
  var prefetch_timer = null;
  $('div.navbar, div.content').on('mouseover', 'a', function(e) {
    var value =;
    if (value.indexOf('/') === 0) {
      if (prefetched.indexOf(value) === -1) {
        if (prefetch_timer) {
        prefetch_timer = setTimeout(function() {
          $.get(value, function() {
            // necessary for $.ajax to start the request :(
        }, 200);
  }).on('mouseout', 'a', function(e) {
    if (prefetch_timer) {

Also, available on GitHub.

I'm excited about this change because of a couple of reasons:

  1. On mobile, where you might be on a non-wifi data connection you don't want this. There you don't have the mouse event onmouseover triggering. So people on such devices don't "suffer" from this optimization.
  2. It only downloads the HTML which is quite light compared to static assets such as pictures but it warms up the server-side cache if needs be.
  3. It's much more targetted than a general prefetch meta header.
  4. Most likely content will appear rendered to your eyes faster.

Gzip rules the world of optimization, often

August 9, 2014
4 comments Python, JavaScript

So I have a massive chunk of JSON that a Django view is sending to a piece of Angular that displays it nicely on the page. It's big. 674Kb actually. And it's likely going to be bigger in the near future. It's basically a list of dicts. It looks something like this:

>>> pprint(d['events'][0])
{u'archive_time': None,
 u'archive_url': u'/manage/events/archive/1113/',
 u'channels': [u'Main'],
 u'duplicate_url': u'/manage/events/duplicate/1113/',
 u'id': 1113,
 u'is_upcoming': True,
 u'location': u'Cyberspace - Pacific Time',
 u'modified': u'2014-08-06T22:04:11.727733+00:00',
 u'privacy': u'public',
 u'privacy_display': u'Public',
 u'slug': u'bugzilla-development-meeting-20141115',
 u'start_time': u'15 Nov 2014 02:00PM',
 u'start_time_iso': u'2014-11-15T14:00:00-08:00',
 u'status': u'scheduled',
 u'status_display': u'Scheduled',
 u'thumbnail': {u'height': 32,
                u'url': u'/media/cache/e7/1a/e71a58099a0b4cf1621ef3a9fe5ba121.png',
                u'width': 32},
 u'title': u'Bugzilla Development Meeting'}

So I thought one hackish simplification would be to convert each of these dicts into an list with a known sort order. Something like this:

>>> event = d['events'][0]
>>> pprint([event[k] for k in sorted(event)])
 u'Cyberspace - Pacific Time',
 u'15 Nov 2014 02:00PM',
 {u'height': 32,
  u'url': u'/media/cache/e7/1a/e71a58099a0b4cf1621ef3a9fe5ba121.png',
  u'width': 32},
 u'Bugzilla Development Meeting']

So I converted my sample events.json file like that:

$ l -h events*
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel   674K Aug  8 14:08 events.json
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel   423K Aug  8 15:06 events.optimized.json

Excitingly the file is now 250Kb smaller because it no longer contains all those keys.

Now, I'd also send the order of the keys so I could do something like this in the AngularJS code:

 .success(function(response) {
   events = [] {
     var new_event = {}
     response.keys.forEach(function(key, i) {
       new_event[k] = event[i]

Yuck! Nested loops! It was just getting more and more complicated.
Also, if there are keys that are not present in every element, it means I'd have to replace them with None.

At this point I stopped and I could smell the hackish stink of sulfur of the hole I was digging myself into.
Then it occurred to me, gzip is really good at compressing repeated things which is something we have plenty of in a document store type data structure that a list of dicts is.

So I packed them manually to see what we could get:

$ apack events.json.gz events.json
$ apack events.optimized.json.gz events.optimized.json

And without further ado...

$ l -h events*
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel   674K Aug  8 14:08 events.json
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel    90K Aug  8 14:20 events.json.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel   423K Aug  8 15:06 events.optimized.json
-rw-r--r--  1 peterbe  wheel    81K Aug  8 15:07 events.optimized.json.gz

Basically, all that complicated and slow hoopla for saving 10Kb. No thank you.

Thank you gzip for existing!