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The technology behind You Should Watch

January 28, 2023
0 comments You Should Watch, React, Firebase, JavaScript

I recently launched You Should Watch which is a mobile-friendly web app to have a to-watch list of movies and TV shows as well being able to quickly share the links if you want someone to "you should watch" it.

I'll be honest, much of the motivation of building that web app was to try a couple of newish technologies that I wanted to either improve on or just try for the first time. These are the interesting tech pillars that made it possible to launch this web app in what was maybe 20-30 hours of total time.

All the code for You Should Watch is here:

The Movie Database API

The cornerstone that made this app possible in the first place. The API is free for developers who don't intend to earn revenue on whatever project they build with it. More details in their FAQ.

The search functionality is important. The way it works is that you can do a "multisearch" which means it finds movies, TV shows, or people. Then, when you have each search result's id and media_type you can fetch a lot more information specifically. For example, that's how the page for a person displays things differently than the page for a movie.

Next.js and the new App dir

In Next.js 13 you have a choice between regular pages directory or an app directory where every page (which becomes a URL) has to be called page.tsx.

No judgment here. It was a bit cryptic to rewrap my brain on how this works. In particular, the head.tsx is now different from the page.tsx and since both, in server-side rendering, need some async data I have to duplicate the await getMediaData() instead of being able to fetch it once and share with drop-drilling or context.

Vercel deployment

Wow! This was the most pleasant experience I've experienced in years. So polished and so much "just works". You sign in, with your GitHub auth, click to select the GitHub repo (that has a next.config.js and package.json etc) and you're done. That's it! Now, not only does every merged PR automatically (and fast!) get deployed, but you also get a preview deployment for every PR (which I didn't use).

I'm still using the free hobby tier but god forbid this app gets serious traffic, I'd just bump it up to $20/month which is cheap. Besides, the app is almost entirely CDN cacheable so only the search XHR backend would linearly increase its load with traffic I think.

Well done Vercel!

Playwright and VS Code

Not the first time I used Playwright but it was nice to return and start afresh. It definitely has improved in developer experience.

Previously I used npx and the terminal to run tests, but this time I tried "Playwright Test for VSCode" which was just fantastic! There are some slightly annoying things in that I had to use the mouse cursor more than I'd hoped, but it genuinely helped me be productive. Playwright also has the ability to generate JS code based on me clicking around in a temporary incognito browser window. You do a couple of things in the browser then paste in the generated source code into tests/basics.spec.ts and do some manual tidying up. To run the debugger like that, one simply types pnpm dlx playwright codegen


It seems hip and a lot of people seem to recommend it. Kinda like yarn was hip and often recommended over npm (me included!).

Sure it works and it installs things fast but is it noticeable? Not really. Perhaps it's 4 seconds when it would have been 5 seconds with npm. Apparently pnpm does clever symlinking to avoid a disk-heavy node_modules/ but does it really matter ...much?
It's still large:

du -sh node_modules
468M    node_modules

A disadvantage with pnpm is that GitHub Dependabot currently doesn't support it :(
An advantage with pnpm is that pnpm up -i --latest is great interactive CLI which works like yarn upgrade-interactive --latest


just is like make but written in Rust. Now I have a justfile in the root of the repo and can type shortcut commands like just dev or just emu[TAB] (to tab autocomplete).

In hindsight, my justfile ended up being just a list of pnpm run ... commands but the idea is that just would be for all and any command under one roof.

End of the day, it becomes a nifty little file of "recipes" of useful commands and you can easily string them together. For example just lint is the combination of typing pnpm run prettier:check and pnpm run tsc and pnpm run lint.


A gorgeously simple looking pure-CSS framework. Yes, it's very limited in components and I don't know how well it "tree shakes" but it's so small and so neat that it had everything I needed.

My favorite React component library is Mantine but I definitely love the piece of mind that Pico.css is just CSS so you're not A) stuck with React forever, and B) not unnecessary JS code that slows things down.


Good old Firebase. The bestest and easiest way to get a reliable and realtime database that is dirt cheap, simple, and has great documentation. I do regret not trying Supabase but I knew that getting the OAuth stuff to work with Google on a custom domain would be tricky so I stayed with Firebase.


A port of Paul Irish's Lite YouTube Embed which makes it easy to display YouTube thumbnails in a web performant way. All you have to do is:

import LiteYouTubeEmbed from "react-lite-youtube-embed";

   title={youtubeVideo.title} />

In conclusion

It's amazing how much time these tools saved compared to just years ago. I could build a fully working side-project with automation and high quality entirely thanks to great open source or well-tuned proprietary components, in just about one day if you sum up the hours.

How to bulk-insert Firestore documents in a Firebase Cloud function

September 23, 2021
1 comment Node, Firebase, JavaScript

You can't batch-add/bulk-insert documents in the Firebase Web SDK. But you can with the Firebase Admin Node SDK. Like, in a Firebase Cloud Function. Here's an example of how to do that:

const firestore = admin.firestore();
let batch = firestore.batch();
let counter = 0;
let totalCounter = 0;
const promises = [];
for (const thing of MANY_MANY_THINGS) {
  const docRef = firestore.collection("MY_COLLECTION").doc();
  batch.set(docRef, {
    favNumber: 0,
  if (counter >= 500) {
    console.log(`Committing batch of ${counter}`);
    totalCounter += counter;
    counter = 0;
    batch = firestore.batch();
if (counter) {
  console.log(`Committing batch of ${counter}`);
  totalCounter += counter;
await Promise.all(promises);
console.log(`Committed total of ${totalCounter}`);

I'm using this in a Cloud HTTP function where I can submit a large amount of data and have each one fill up a collection.

From photo of ingredients, to your shopping list

September 10, 2021
0 comments Web development, That's Groce!, Firebase

Today I launched a really cool new feature to That's Groce!: Ability to upload photos of ingredients and have the food words automatically suggested to be added to your shopping list.

It's best explained with this 26-second video.

The general idea

Food words found
The idea is that you know you're going to cook that Vegetarian Curry Lasagna on page 123 in Jamie's Summer Cookbook. Either you read the ingredients and type in each ingredient you're going to need to buy (because you know what's in your pantry and fridge) or just take a photo of the whole ingredient listing. Now, when you're in the store and wonder: "I remember I need red peppers, but how many was it again?!".
But not only that, once you've taken a photo of the list of ingredients, it can help you populate your shopping list.

How it works in That's Groce! is that your photo is turned into a block of text, and from that text certain "food words" are extracted and all else is ignored. The food words are based on a database of 3,600+ English food words that I've gathered and also manually curated. There are lots of caveats. The 3,600+ food words are not perfect and there are surprisingly many combinations and plural vs. singular that can make the list incomplete. But, that's where you can help! If you find that there's a word it correctly scanned but didn't suggest, you can type in your own suggestions for everyone to benefit from. If you type in something it didn't manage to spot, I'll review that and add it to the global database.

Food-word recognition

The word recognition is done using Google Cloud Vision API which is a powerful machine-learning-based service from Google Cloud that is stunningly accurate. Tidy camera photos of cookbooks with good light is nearly perfect, but it can also do an impressive job with photos of handwritten recipes, like this:

Handwritten recipe photo

One thing you will find is that it's often hard to only take a photo of the actual list of ingredients. Often, a chunk of the cooking instructions or the recipe "back story" gets into the photo frame. These words aren't actually ingredients and can lead to surprising food word suggestions that you definitely don't need to buy. It's not perfect but at least you'll have a visual memory of what you're cooking as you're standing there in the grocery store.


Understandably, it's nearly impossible for the app to know what you have in your pantry/fridge/freezer/spice rack. But a lot of recipes spell out exactly everything you need, not for buying, but for cooking. E.g. 1 teaspoon salt. But salt (or pepper or sugar or butter) is the kind of foodstuff you probably always have at home. So then it doesn't make sense to suggest that you put "salt" on the shopping list. To solve for that, you can override your own preferred options of special keywords. For example, I've added "salt", "pepper", "sugar, "table salt", "black pepper" as words that can always be ignored. You can also train the system to set up aliases. For example, a lot of recipes call for "lemon zest" but what you actually purchase is a lemon and then grate it yourself on the grater. So you can add special keywords that act as aliases for other words. Here's one example:


Help out!

Foodwords database sample
Over the last couple of days, I've been snapping lots of photos from lots of different cookbooks, and every time I begin to think the database is getting good, I stumble on some new food word. For example, I recently tested a photo of a recipe that called for "Jackfruit". What even is that?! Anyway, it is inevitable that certain words are missing. But that's where we can help each other. If you test it out and you notice that it correctly scanned the text but the word wasn't suggested, click the "Suggest" button and type in your suggestions. Together we can, one food word at a time, eradicate misses.

There's still some work to be done to make the database even stronger by setting up clever aliases for everyone. For example, a lot of recipes call for "(some number) cloves garlic" but it can easily get confused for the spice "cloves" and the root vegetable "garlic". So, perhaps we can train it to recognize "cloves garlic" to actually just mean "garlic".

Also, the database is currently only in (primarily American) English. The platform would support other languages but I would definitely need a hand to seed it with more words in other languages.

Try it out

If you haven't set up an account yet (it's still free!), to test it, you can go to, click "Get started without signing in", go into your newly created shopping list, and press the "Photos" button. Try uploading some snapped photos from your cookbooks. Please please let me know what you think!

How I upload Firebase images optimized

September 2, 2021
0 comments JavaScript, Web development, Firebase

I have an app that allows you to upload images. The images are stored using Firebase Storage. Then, once uploaded I have a Firebase Cloud Function that can turn that into a thumbnail. The problem with this is that it takes a long time to wake up the cloud function, the first time, and generating that thumbnail. Not to mention the download of the thumbnail payload for the client. It's not unrealistic that the whole thumbnail generation plus download can take multiple (single digit) seconds. But you don't want to have the user sit and wait that long. My solution is to display the uploaded file in a <img> tag using URL.createObjectURL().

The following code is most pseudo-code but should look familiar if you're used to how Firebase and React/Preact works. Here's the FileUpload component:

interface Props {
  onUploaded: ({ file, filePath }: { file: File; filePath: string }) => void;
  onSaved?: () => void;

function FileUpload({
}: Props) => {
  const [file, setFile] = useState<File | null>(null);

  // ...some other state stuff omitted for example.

  useEffect(() => {
    if (file) {
      const metadata = {
        contentType: file.type,

    const filePath = getImageFullPath(prefix, item ? :, file);
    const storageRef = storage.ref();

    uploadTask = storageRef.child(filePath).put(file, metadata);
      (snapshot) => {
        // ...set progress percentage
      (error) => {
      () => {
        onUploaded({ file, filePath });  // THE IMPORTANT BIT!

          .add({ filePath })
          .then(() => { onSaved() })

  }, [file])

  return (
        accept="image/jpeg, image/png"
        onInput={(event) => {
          if ( {
            const file =[0];

The important "trick" is that we call back after the storage is complete by sending the filePath and the file back to whatever component triggered this component. Now, you can know, in the parent component, that there's going to soon be an image reference with a file path (filePath) that refers to that File object.

Here's a rough version of how I use this <FileUpload> component:

function Images() {

  const [uploadedFiles, setUploadedFiles] = useState<Map<string, File>>(
    new Map()

  return (<div>  
      onUploaded={({ file, filePath }: { file: File; filePath: string }) => {
        const newMap: Map<string, File> = new Map(uploadedFiles);
        newMap.set(filePath, file);

    <ListUploadedPictures uploadedFiles={uploadedFiles}/>

function ListUploadedPictures({ uploadedFiles}: {uploadedFiles: Map<string, File>}) {

  // Imagine some Firebase Firestore subscriber here
  // that watches for uploaded pictures. 
  return <div>
    { => (
      <Picture picture={picture} uploadedFiles={uploadedFiles} />

function Picture({ 
}: {
  uploadedFiles: Map<string, File>;
  picture: {
    filePath: string;
}) {
  const thumbnailURL = getThumbnailURL(filePath, 500);
  const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    const preloadImg = new Image();
    preloadImg.src = thumbnailURL;

    const callback = () => {
      if (mounted) {
    if (preloadImg.decode) {
      preloadImg.decode().then(callback, callback);
    } else {
      preloadImg.onload = callback;

    return () => {
      mounted = false;
  }, [thumbnailURL]);

  return <img
      width: 500,
      height: 500,
      "object-fit": "cover",
        ? thumbnailURL
        : file
        ? URL.createObjectURL(file)

Phew! That was a lot of code. Sorry about that. But still, this is just a summary of the real application code.

The point is that; I send the File object back to the parent component immediately after having uploaded it to Firebase Cloud Storage. Then, having access to that as a File object, I can use that as the thumbnail while I wait for the real thumbnail to come in. Now, it doesn't matter that it takes 1-2 seconds to wake up the cloud function and 1-2 seconds to perform the thumbnail creation, and then 0.1-2 seconds to download the thumbnail. All the while this is happening you're looking at the File object that was uploaded. Visually, the user doesn't even notice the difference. If you refresh the page, that temporary in-memory uploadedFiles (Map instance) is empty so you're now relying on the loading of the thumbnail which should hopefully, at this point, be stored in the browser's native HTTP cache.

The other important part of the trick is that we're using const preloadImg = new Image() for loading the thumbnail. And by relying on preloadImage.decode ? preloadImage.decode().then(...) : preload.onload = ... we can be informed only when the thumbnail has been successfully created and successfully downloaded to make the swap.

sharp vs. jimp - Node libraries to make thumbnail images

December 15, 2020
3 comments Node, JavaScript, Firebase

I recently wrote a Google Firebase Cloud function that resizes images on-the-fly and after having published that I discovered that sharp is "better" than jimp. And by better I mean better performance.

To reach this conclusion I wrote a simple trick that loops over a bunch of .png and .jpg files I had lying around and compare how long it took each implementation to do that. Here are the results:

Using jimp

▶ node index.js ~/Downloads
Sum size before: 41.1 MB (27 files)
Took: 28.278s
Sum size after: 337 KB

Using sharp

▶ node index.js ~/Downloads
Sum size before: 41.1 MB (27 files)
Took: 1.277s
Sum size after: 200 KB

The files are in the region of 100-500KB, a couple that are 1-3MB, and 1 that is 18MB.

So basically: 28 seconds for jimp and 1.3 seconds for sharp

Bonus, the code

Don't ridicule me for my benchmarking code. These are quick hacks. Let's focus on the point.


function f1(sourcePath, destination) {
  return readFile(sourcePath).then((buffer) => {
    console.log(sourcePath, "is", humanFileSize(buffer.length));
    return sharp(sourcePath)
      .then((data) => {
        const destPath = path.join(destination, path.basename(sourcePath));
        return writeFile(destPath, data).then(() => {
          return stat(destPath).then((s) => s.size);


function f2(sourcePath, destination) {
  return readFile(sourcePath).then((buffer) => {
    console.log(sourcePath, "is", humanFileSize(buffer.length));
    return => {
      const destPath = path.join(destination, path.basename(sourcePath));
      img.resize(100, Jimp.AUTO);
      return img.writeAsync(destPath).then(() => {
        return stat(destPath).then((s) => s.size);

I test them like this:

const res = await Promise.all( => f1(file, destination)));

And just to be absolutely sure, I run them separately so the whole process is dedicated to one implementation.

That's Groce!

October 22, 2020
0 comments Web development, Mobile, Preact, That's Groce!, Firebase

tl;dr That's Groce! is: A mobile web app to help families do grocery shopping and meal planning. Developed out of necessity by a family (Peter and Ashley) and used daily in their home.

Hopefully, the About page explains what it does.

Sample list
Screenshot of a sample list

The backstory

We used to use Wunderlist, but that stopped working. Next, we tried Cozi and that worked for a while but it was buggy and annoying in so many ways. Finally, we gave up and decided to build our own. Exactly how we need it to be, as efficient as possible.

We also tried a couple of regular to-do list apps where you can have shared accounts but we wanted something perfectly tailored towards the specific needs of family grocery shopping (and meal planning). That's how That's Groce! was born.

The killer features

The about page does a good job of listing the killer features but let's emphasize it one more time.

  • Free and simple.
  • Is really smart about suggestions and auto-complete for speedy entry.
  • Works offline (our usual grocery store has no reception unless you brave onto their WiFi).
  • Is real-time, so every other device updates immediately as you update or add something on your device.
  • Shared list; you can have your own list but you can invite co-owners.
  • You can sort your grocery list in the same order you usually walk through your grocery store.

It's not an app store app

Saved as Home screen app

You won't find it on the Apple App store. It's a web app that's been tailored to work well in mobile web browsers (iOS Safari) and you can use the "Add to Home screen" so it looks and acts like a regular app.
It would be nice to try to make it a regular native mobile app but that takes significant time which is hard to find but certainly something to aspire to if it can be done in a nice way.

"Really smart about suggestions"

What does that killer feature mean? (At the time of writing (Oct 2020), it isn't launched yet but the pieces are coming together.) Are there certain stables you buy recurringly? Like milk or bananas or Cheerios. If the app can start to see a pattern of commonly added items, it can suggest it immediately so when you're making your list on Monday morning, you just need to tap to add those.

Another important thing is that as you type, it can suggest many things based on the first or couple of characters you type in, but you can't suggest every single possible word so which one should you suggest first?
The way That's Groce! works is that it learns based on the number of times and how recently you add something to your list. As of today, look what happens when I type a on my list:

Suggestions based on typing 'a'
When I type a it suggests things that start with "A" but based on frequency.

The more you use it, the better the suggestions get.

Also, to get you started, over 100 items are preloaded as good suggestions but that's just to get you up and running. Once your family starts to use it, your own suggestions get better and better over time.

"Same order you usually walk through your grocery store"

This was important to us because we found we walk through the aisles in pretty much the same way. Every time. When you walk in you have your produce (veggies first, then fruit, then salad stuff) on the right. Then baked goods and deli. Then meats and alcohol. Etc. So if you can group your items based on these descriptions you can be really efficient with your list and it becomes a lot easier to cross off sections of the store and not have to scroll up and down or having to walk back to pick up that pizza dough all the way back at the deli section.

For this to work, you need to type in groups for your items. But you can call them whatever you like. If you want to type "Aisle 1", "Aisle 2", "Dairy stuff" you can. It's all up to you. Keep in mind that it might feel like a bit of up-front work at first, and it is, but your list is learning so you essentially only have to do it once.

Don't be a slave to your list!

If you do decide to try it, keep one thing in mind: You're in control. You don't need to type in perfect descriptions, amounts, groups, and quantities. If you don't know how to spell "bee-ar-naise sauce", don't worry about it. It's your list. You can type whatever you want or need. A lot of to-do lists invite you with complex options to organize the hell out of your list items. Don't do that. Think of That's Groce! as a fridge post-it note that you and your partner keep in their pocket that automatically synchronizes.

You can help

We built this for ourselves but it's built in a way that any family can use it and hopefully also be better organized. But once you sign in you can submit feedback for suggestions. And if you're into coding, the whole app is Open Source so it's fairly easy to modify the code or even host it yourself if you wanted to:

Also, if you do try it and like it, please consider going to the Share the ❤️ page and, you know, share it with friends. Much appreciated!

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