URL: http://eco-chick.com/2009/05/3845/profits-before-people/

7 of the World's Most Irresponsible Companies If you met someone from Nestle, Pfizer, Wal-Mart, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Dow Chemical or Monsanto in a suit and who is proud of her job, would you punch her in the face? No? But would you pretend that you don't know about the ways of her company?

Eco blogger Eco-Chick has written a great write-up on some of the worlds greediest and least irresponsible companies. A great read if you're one of the millions of people who understand that corporate ownership of the world is a bad thing but don't necessarily know any specific details or examples.

When you're desperate for money you can do crazy things like rob a bank or mug an innocent old lady. But decisions to mug an old lady is 100% yours whereas office workers for irresponsible corporations are usually just a cog in a wheel, and therefore they all blame their destructive practices aren't their own idea or initiative. That is was someone "in upper management who decided". Would you dare to confront those excuses at a dinner party if you met one?


Jonathan Hartley

Actually I generally would confront such issues, which is why I never get invited to any good dinner parties any more.

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