URL: https://8mw9v.csb.app/

Recently I've been playing with the content of MDN as a whole. MDN has ~140k documents in its Wiki. About ~70k of them are redirects which is the result of many years of switching tech and switching information architecture and at the same time being good Internet citizens and avoiding 404s. So, out of the ~70k documents, how do they spread? To answer that I wrote a Python script that evaluates size as a matter of the sum of all the files in sub-trees including pictures.

Here are the screenshots:

All locales

All locales

Specifically en-US

Specifically en-US

The code that puts this together uses Toast UI which seems cool but I didn't spend much time worrying about how to use it.

Be warned! Opening this link will make your browser sweat: https://8mw9v.csb.app/

You can fork it here: https://codesandbox.io/s/zen-swirles-8mw9v


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