One hot ear Yesterday Sunday I went to one of Dennis Kung Fu camps in St Albans. It was a beautiful day with a chilled breeze.

We practised a two-man-pattern that I've never even seen before and it was great fun.

Just as it was getting dark I was just about the only one left in the field practising my patterns. (A pattern is a combination of movements you perform on your own to remember and learn your kung fu principles.) After a few runs I notice a strange thing. One of my ears got really hot. My forehead was normal and the other ear was really cold as normal. It was just like when you're about to get a fever except it was only the ear.

Strange but interesting since I've never experienced this. And no, there is no simple geometric explanation for it. It's got to be internal; or?


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I'm shocked to see so many other people have to deal with this RED/HOT EAR problem, especially since I never personally met anyone who's had this issue, like me! I'm a 34 year-old male, and it's been an issue for me since my early college days, or at least that's when I started noticing it. For me, it's almost always ONE EAR -- my RIGHT EAR.

Although it sometimes happens randomly and for now apparent reason, there are 2 FACTORS which I've noticed quite often that seem to go along with it all too regularly for it to just be a coincidence: When I DRINK ALCOHOL...and when I get ANGRY/FLUSTERED/STRESSED with something or someone.

Again, I've been upset or stressed plenty of times, and have consumed alcohol plenty of times without it ever happening, but it's happened enough for me to obviously notice -- and make the correlation. Obviously I have no idea what causes it, but to me it must have something to do with CIRCULATION, and/or a REACTION in the body when someone with this syndrome is stressed -- perhaps something that is sometimes released by the body when blood pressure rises/drops too quickly, or when alcohol is consumed..??? Alcohol thins blood, and when people get upset or extra stressed, obviously blood pressure (and along with that, circulation) are effected.

There are way too many people who have this issue for it to not be something docs and researches can pinpoint, because all of us know how embarrasing and self-conscious we get when this happens. Who knows -- maybe having an operation that cuts/closes off certain veins in the ear would help??

Here are my own stats: Again, 34 year-old male; Good health (I exercise fairly frequently); Never been diagnosed with any diseases/conditions; No food allergies that I've ever been aware of (only seasonal allergies); Never had any major surgery; Nobody else in my family has this problem; I've got an Irish/Scottish background; Has happened all over the country/world (environmental issues don't seem to matter at all); What else...? Let's see -- I'm LEFT HANDED (any correlation there?)

I don't know, but good luck to you all. If I ever find out what's causing my problem, I'll definitely re-post and let you know!


The recurrence of the redness w/ alcohol and/or stress is here too. 49 year old male w/ redness for over 15 years. Okay health, hypertension (but controlled). Right ear only, late in PM. Not left-handed, from eastern Russian background. Taking aspirin helps quickly, or applying cold water or an ice cube in a plastic bag.
Not buying into roscea theory looking at all the data. Red limited to upper cartilage on right ear. Exercise does not diminish occurrence. By chance, do you drink beer when you get it?


I am a 19 year old female, and I also have the same problem. My left ear starts to burn and turns red. I don't have any allergies nor any illnesses. I'm left handed too (maybe there is a correlation). I don't take any medications, never had surgery, had my blood checked 5-6 months ago (everything was fine), and eat pretty healthy. Some things that bother me are that my hands and feet tend to stay really cold even in hot temperatures, and I have really bad back pain even though I'm only 19! Any correlations? Please post something!


My 17 year old daughter is dealing with this is both ears, almost every day. At first we thought it was earrings causing the problem, but after reading through this blog, I doubt that is it. My daughter also complains of back pain. She seems healthy otherwise. Thanks to all who contribute to this blog, because at least I have some more information now.


I've had a problem with my ears turning red and hot for a few years. Over the past year though, my face also gets very red and hot along with my ears. What I find interesting is that it often starts after I itch my ear. My ear will turn red after I itch it, then my face turns red. I suffer with anxiety and am on xanax. I've had blood work done to see if this might be carcinoid. The blood work came back normal. Blood work for carcinoid is unfortunately not always very accurate and difficult for a person with anxiety to accept. My symptoms often subside for a month or two at a time. Do some of you go through times when your symptoms seem to stop? Do you find itching or touching your ear can trigger the red ear syndrome?


Just putting on my earings will make my ears turn red and get hot and then my face also. I too have had bloodtests for carcinoid that have come back normal. It is very uncomfortable and other things also trigger it off, I carry a fan with me to blow on my face when it happens.


I have been suffering from red hot burning ears for the last 6 years. They usually are accompanied with an erection which is just as bothersom. Both ears will turn red at the same time and if I touch them or put lotion on them they get really hot. Does anyone else get an erection when this happens? It has to do with the bloodflow but didn't figure these two wer connected?


yes!!! itching or touching your ear can trigger the red ear syndrome,for 2 years what i found for sure,helping in my case is to sleep,if you have red ears problem every night..try to sleep lets say from 17 to 18: 30...or more..and u ll not have the problem that night..that s for sure! try it and than post here.


Here's a good one.

Along with this Red ear business

I also sometimes get light headed, and get really itchy sometimes usually on my chest, sometimes in shower, like really hot! It's like I am burning up. It usually happens when I haven't kept up with my usual demanding swimming and boxing routine. Sometimes when I am stressed. Email me!!!!!


try putting foundation on your ears so the redness wont show for me!


@leigh ..but isn t than the color of your ears strange..


hey guys,found this place after googling and ears burning red.Have read of the stuff here so I thought i'll shared some of my atrributes.Had it since I was young,in fact one of first things I remember from in canada,from Tropics China (Hainan).young and healthy(18),dont drink.One thing that sets me apart is I also sometimes itch when I'm in the sun like the chest,head and legs(dont know what it is).I'm double jointed too and I sun sneeze.I'll list any other things I can remember when I remember.I hope we can find a solution to fix all of our problem and ooh yah the right ears and I think occasionall left or both thro I confirm the right ears.thanks


oh to add on to mine,the itchy skin thing also turns on when I do exercises like cardio.My skin burns like crazy and my diet i guess consist of alot of fish and salt as is cuz of my dad living near the sea,few generations of my family survivor on salt and sealife.I confirm that my left ear also burns as well.Will add more as I think of.


bob411, I also get itchy all over with any time of exertion/ exercise. Only happens in the winter though. Mine is "cold urticaria" which is actually an allergy to the cold. After your skin adjusts to the winter climate, and heat, stress, exercise will set it off...
I know I have always had facial and ear flushing as long as I can remember...the itching thing for me has only been for the past year...Im 30

I also have


I find it interesting that you also have the itchy skin from exercise. I've had that problem for years and have asked my doctor about the problem and he seems clueless. I wonder if there is a connection to the red ears and face. I found this site which has some information on the exercise allergy My mom has a severe allergy to the cold, she's actually gone into shock from it. Mine seems to happen mostly from heat. I stopped walking for exercise because the itching drives me crazy!


Jill...besides the itching, do you also have red ears or face? Just trying to compare different combinations of symptoms.
Yes the itching drives me nuts too. I was in the mall the other day. After walking quite a distance, I had to stop because I was itching all over. I tried to not be obvious about it but I must have looked like a nervous wreck or something lol. :)


The red ears started a few years back and only happened once in a while. I didn't think much about it until approximately a year ago when the redness and heat extended to my face. My ear lobes get very hot and red, mostly in the evening and then my cheeks soon follow. I have no itching during these episodes. I can stop it with cold air or cold water. My doctor thinks it roscea. I question that diagnosis because I have perfectly clear skin and because this all started with my ear lobes and not my face, where roscea is more common. Another interesting fact, many people on this site talk about about being O+ blood type. I am O+, are you? My redness happens most often in the afternoon and evening, how about you?


Hmmm. I have never heard about the blood type as being a factor but I am O+ as well. That is interesting. I wonder if it is a vitamin deficiancy or something.
I have been diagnosed with rosacea, and it was my face(cheeks) that started first. I too have perfectly clear skin too so you can have rosacea without any pimples or bumps. I am actually having my first vbeam laser treatmen today to diffuse the redness and small veins in my face. I wonder if is is helpful for ears too.
Yes, I would say that evening is the wowrst time for me also. That is when I notice me face and ears getting hot. Might be linked to tiredness, stress. Keepind hydrated throughout the day with water always helps!


hey Joel and Jill,firstly apologies for not replying for so long and I've got loads to things to say and hopefully you both can answer them all so we can compared our situations for benefit to us all.Joel,that story about the mall,yes I shared your pain as I too try to keep it cool when I'm itching there but its very hard.How would you guys describle the feeling of the itch?For me I would say it feels like being bitten by millions of tiny ants at the same time.Before I forget,the itch happens to me during exercises during rest of year except the cold days and winter,during hot showers and walking in the mall where heater is turn so high.I especially hate summer due to the sun.I've had it close to puberty i guess and the burning ears happen since I was like 2 years old.It burns so hot sometimes that I feel it can melt iron.Further more I would like to ask you guys,Do you think it has to do with genetics? this is a little weird but I was planning to have kids one day but if they'll feel like this then I'm gonna forget it since I dont anyone to feel this.Can you guys trace your family back to your gramps til your son/daughter if you have any?like for me,My gramps both dont have any thing like that.Dad doesnt have it but mom has skin problem, so it coulda came from her.I'm the only one in family with red ears and skin itchness but my sister has dry skin and my half-sister itchs alot too so I'm now confused.So again my question,You guys think you can shared weather you family up to three generations including son/daughters have it or not?Also I'm double jointed so any of you guys double jointed?Idk if that has to do with anything but it could so I guess its better to be safe then sorry.Can I ask you guys for your descent?I just want to know if it happens to different group or just one group of people in general.I think I said a little too much and i've got way more questions to ask so we can compared but I think this is enough for now.I apologize for the long questions but i thought its best to ask them now before I forget about them.Hopefully you guys can answer them all.I'll check back thanks alot guys.


Hi bob411...yep your conditions sounds very similiar to what I experience. I do think that genietics play a part in this however, I don't believe that no one else in my family has experienced this that I know about.
I am Irish/polish, and who knows what else lol.

I would describe the itch like you said, a million ants biting all over. My itch generally is concentrated on my chest, face and arms. Last night, I had it again. It was triggered my a little frustration believe it or not. My chest really started to itch. I notice that my chest gets red and blotchy all over for a bit, and worse if I scratch it which I try not to do. I believe that the red patches are caused by histimine being released into the skin.Which leads me to believe that it is a temerature allergy like my derm desribed. Most likely cold urticaria. This can be caused by several different allergens, or for no particular reason at all. I have tried using laundry detergents with no dyes or perfumes thinking it may help but no differences.

I have heard that these things can come and go. 3-5 years they usually last for and then go away. Sometimes longer, or shorter. You can try a antihistimine which has gelped me, but I don't take it regularly. Just don't like taking meds that much. My derm gave me Zyrtec. Oh, and no double joints here...don't think that has anything to do with this, but that's just my thinking. Where is your itching concentrated at?


Hey Joel,thanks for reply.I think you and I both share the same condition but is funny that is so similar in that we both have the itch and red ears so I'm not sure weather theres a connection there.My itch I believe started when I hit puberty I believe and I'm currently 18 and is still around.I believe intiatly started at the legs then later my chest,head and they always seem to start at the same places like at exactly the same place of skin or area of skin is best way I can describle.My chest especially I see all these red patchs and they are burning like nuts.Before I forget,I've a few questions I gotta ask you.1.Does your itch leave these sort of red spots on your skin that look sort of like red rash like spots that turns into dark skin? 2.Try to remember back but when you were a kid did you ever experiences joint pain on your legs?like after some long walks or something hard which uses legs alot.Did you ever feel this pain between your leg and thigh?(dont know how it connects,but to be sure)Lastly again I dont know if this is of any connection but to make sure,when you exercise do you feel at times(rarely) like your about to faint?like ur eyes are sort of having....(faint is best way to describle)like ur about to fall down.again thanks alot and feel free to ask me any questions/suggestions if you got any.Hopefully we can figure something out cuz I hate both these burning ears and itch.


hi again bob411. I think the one difference between us is the age this started happening. Im 31 and just started about 2 years ago, but have had the red ear thing for longer than that. The way you describe the red patches is exactly the same for me too! This is the histamine that i was talking about. It causes your blood vessels to dialate, which make the skin turn red. May explain something about the red ears too.
I did experience some joint pains but i think that most people do at some point. I still do sometimes get pain in my thigh.

On the exercise subject...I know that fainting feeling your talking about. You need to be very careful when you get to this point in your exercise! When histamine is released into your body, your blood pressure drops this explains the fainting feeling. Make sure that you stop before you get to this point. Do some reading on anaphylaxis and anaphylaxis shock. This may begin to look clearer to you what we are dealing with. Do you have any cats or animals?


hey Joel,thanks for the headsup and the advices.I feel a little relief right now since I was beginning to think that I'm the only one and I'm crazy or something.No,I dont have any pets but I also know I'm not allergic to animals,well I hope.What would you call this "condition" that we have?And would you happen to know if theres some way to cure this?Lastly in my physical education classes throught out high school,I didnt sweat like crazy and I dont have any odour as result unlike my classmates.Same for you?well frankly again I dont know if theres any connection but it was on my mind because loads of classmates were dripping like storm but I barely have any.Again thanks alot and really appreciate all the help you contributed to me.


You have my exact problem. Also teh itching can be when I am stressed etc frustrated. A long hot shower can also trigger it.


same prob as me,please read above decussion and answer so we can compare.The greater the sample the better the comparison.thanks.

Why Ear!

I notice so many of us get this late in the day or evening. Just curious. How many of you work or are exposed to florescent lights for long periods of time?


This just started yesterday, but it is pretty extreme. Yesterday both of my ears and my cheeks were bright purple all day, but today it has been my left ear only. It's not exactly painful, but it's getting annoying. This question about the fluorescent lights intrigues me. Although I've worked under fluorescent lights for years, I have been working longer hours lately than ever before. Being tired seems to be another common theme in these posts, so maybe I have a hot red ear because I'm exhausted. Or maybe it's from a food allergy, or autoimmune disease. I am allergic to gluten and corn, but I am not eating foods with those ingredients. Also, I do have an autoimmune thyroid disorder. So many possibilities. I wish someone knew what caused this. More than anything, I'm just curious!


I'm 26 and this just started happening to me withing the last 4 months. It is always the cartilage on my right ear. It usually will be red and hot for about 30 minutes.
I'm Irish/ Brazilian/ Italian. I'm O+. I have very slight TMJ (But I've known about it since I was 18, and it's never bothered me). I am exposed to florescent lights all day at work.

There seems to be no rhyme or reason to when it happens. I can be at work, I can be on lunch, I can be at home playing on the computer. My ear will just randomly feel like getting all hot and red.

I have to say I'm sad to read that it seems like once this starts happening to you, you're stuck with it for the long haul.


Some reading I found...

I get red ears, which is very noticeable when I get in front of large groups of people, including my family, and they remain bright red for a long time. This also happens to me in most group situations. Could this be a symptom of high blood pressure? Is there a way that I can get this corrected with surgery?


Rest assured that the phenomenon of having your ears turn bright red spontaneously in the absence of fever is common and generally not related to any underlying medical problem, including high blood pressure.

Most likely what you are experiencing is blushing, which is a normal involuntary reaction that results from dilation of the superficial blood vessels, bringing more oxygen-rich, red blood to the face and to the ears and upper neck. Blood vessel dilation frequently occurs in response to external temperatures or an emotional situation, such as anger or embarrassment. Alcohol also dilates blood vessels in the skin. As blood rushes to the skin's surface, it creates a sensation of warmth, as well as a flushed appearance, even in your ears.

Everyone blushes, and the intensity and frequency usually peaks in the teenage years and declines after that. However, anyone at any age, from birth to old age, can blush.

Fair-skinned people are more likely to be aware of blushing, but researchers have been unable to discover a clear physical reason why some people experience frequent blushing and others do not. Some studies suggest abnormalities in the actions of a chemical called serotonin, which transmits messages between nerves and regulates mood, play a role.

Some people experience excessive problems with blushing and become exquisitely sensitive to people's reactions to the blushing or misinterpret their reactions. Both responses can lead to "social phobias." Other symptoms related to social phobias include frequent and excessive sweating, trembling, and unexplained dizziness, all of which can impair social interactions. Some people become so distressed by these reactions that they withdraw from situations known to stimulate these symptoms.

Research shows that counseling by a mental health professional using a technique called cognitive-behavioral therapy often helps people with blushing and social phobias. The therapist helps you confront emotional situations that trigger blushing and develop a realistic appraisal of the effects of your blushing on others. Once you overcome some of the anxiety that triggers the blushing, its frequency and intensity will decrease, allowing you to function more comfortably in previously threatening situations.

Some people with social phobias respond to drugs called beta-blockers and others are helped by drugs that affect serotonin levels. An option for the few people who do not respond to behavioral or drug therapy and who cannot function professionally or socially because of facial blushing or excessive sweating is a procedure that involves cutting the nerves responsible for blood vessel dilation in the face. However, other effects of this procedure limit its usefulness, and it is reserved for only the most disabling conditions. Talk to your doctor.


I've had this problem since I can remember. usually my left ear, but sometime the right and rarely the two together. The usual trigger for me is anger or blushing from embarrassment or something. Scratching or rubbing also triggers it sometimes and on many occasions it just happens by itself. I also have this thing whereby if i do exercise or anything demanding i get itchy all over especially my scalp and it feels like millions of tiny needle pricks. I've seen plenty of doctors and none of them could tell what the matter was. This is especially frustrating because I'm fair-skinned and my ear glows red-hot. The only thing that helps relieve it sometimes is taking a long shower.


whoever you are,i've have the same condition as you and in fact the condition to when it happens are so similar to mine like " I also have this thing whereby if i do exercise or anything demanding i get itchy all over especially my scalp and it feels like millions of tiny needle pricks" that I thought this msg was written by me by mistake but it isn't so can I ask you to go up a lil and reply to the decussion that we're having as so we can compare our situation.thank you.


hi Bob, glad I can be of some help. No you are not the only one with this. I think that we should be thankful that this is such minor issue that we are dealing with. I believe that the condition is called "Cold Urticaria" or "Heat Urticaria" Look those up for a little info that may help you. Good luck and feel free to email me anytime.


hey Joel,Would you happen to know if theres a cure?not anti-histamine but something that can rid of it permanently?Thanks.


Unfortunatly I dont know of any cures. I'm hoping that it is something that will eventually work itself out. If you are allergic to something that is seting it off, you could try to eliminate coming into contact with that substance. But there are thousands of things that could be. Food, soaps, fabrics, get my drift. Maybe run some tests with an allergist. Mine all came back negative. The other problem is that it can be set of by no apparent reason.


funny you would mention that.That would mean that I can't do any exercises,going outside(sun),taking hot or warm showers or get stress up.The hardest one would be the sun which would limit me to home.Maybe is our heads but then again maybe your right in that we should wait and see.btw Joel,my friend's mom is accupuntureces and she tells me Barley soup helps but I couldn't try it since it isn't summer yet.Since it is Winter,you might have a shot at it.Who knows.


email me bob141 and anyone else at gingerjonny[at]

Jon Roberts

I have had this for years. Lately I have found that when my ear starts itching or burning. Which for me is about 2 hours from when it turns red, you should take a benadryl. This will only work for my left ear, it has never work for my right ear. Which is good because my left ear is the one that usually turns red. The benadryl doesn't always work for the redness that happens at the same time everyday, but will work for the redness that occurs unexpectedly. By the way does any of you work a midnight shift. Let me know if this works for you.


My 9 yr old son has been suffering with red, hot, burning ears since age 7. He actually sleeps with ice packs every night. They seem to get this way even more often when he tries to play sports (is very active) or he is tired/upset. He is very sensitive. He also has repeated sinus infections. He has been allergy tested, ct scans/mri on his brain (he also would get frequent headaches) and a full body scan as well as extensive bloodwork. I was told by a member of the family (who is a teaching pediatrician) to take my son to a Rheumatologist as it sounded like he had relapsing policychondritis. Unfortunatley, to confirm this, I was told he would need a biopsy of his ear tissue (cartilidge) when his ear was badly inflamed. They aren't willing to do this though becaus of his age and there is no real treatment other than steriods/anti-inflammatory drugs. It is better than when he was 7 years old, but he still gets bad days. My son also was diagnosed with Dyspraxia which is a neurological conditon, and I beleive this may be related somehow. He also has had an enlarged lymph node on his neck since he was 6 weeks old. Every docotor says to leave it alone, but I wonder if this would not affect his neck?? TO conclude, he has seen neurologists, ENTs, rheumatologists,etc., and I still don't have an answer. It can be quite painful for my son at times and I'd love to help him.


My 10-year-old has had it for 2 years. Tonight his ear hurt so bad he said God must hate me...why won't He help me! It makes me cry because I can't help. My mom gave me an article that said to use vinegar soaks for possible fungus. It does seem to help a little, but it might just be because it's a cold soak. He goes to bed with ice packs, and cries. I wish doctors could find an answer. Not all episodes are as bad as this one tonight. I wouldn't let anyone do anything invasive unless it's a life or death need!
Good luck and God Bless!


f u c k ... i made a record 2-3 hours maybe i think... don t expose to a cold weather better

jonny norway

do any of you have small blood vessels that shows on your ear surface

this may be a sign of rosacea

pleas post an answer.



Hello everyone. I have the burning ear prob also. I woke up with it this morning and noticed that for the first time, my cheek was beat red also. Just on one side. Very curious. I also have a dull headache and feel kind of sick, so I thought I would try to find something out about it.

Regarding the itchy skin, my daughter has that prob and I have wondered if it might be connected to the body being full of toxins. She has no self control when it comes to eating and eats a lot of junk.--then when you exercise or get too hot, the sweat that comes out on your skin is full of toxins and your body has an allergic reaction to it. Serious people could try doing a liver detox program to see if that makes a difference.


i m not sure,but i think it is a circulation my doctor told me to use pills with vitamin B...


I also suffer from this strange occurence! As a matter of fact, both of my ears are tomato red and hot as fire right now. They usaully stay that way for any amount of time, anywhere from 30 mins. to 4,5,6 hrs.(estimate)at a time. I can't associate it with anything I'm doing or not doing and I've always had it since I can remember. It's got to be hereditary because my brother, my dad and all three of his siblings, and my grandfather (my dad's dad) all have this. I don't think it's harmful at all and I really don't worry about it, I just want to know what it is and why it happens????????????????


I also have the problem just as others say usually in afternoon most always at work. The only thing I can truly link it to because it always seem to happen for no apparent reason is embarassment. I got REALLY embarassed at work a while back and Both ears turned blood red and were burning.Usually it is mostly one ear. It seems the more you dwell on it the worse it gets. I asked my dr about it and of course he said he diddn't know what causes it. It is good to know LOTS of other people have the same problem. I try to notice in large crouds if anyone has the red ears.


Hey Joel,if you are reading this but do you get ocassional nose bleeds too?Just outta curosity cuz i got one now and I'm reminded of it.For me,I get nose bleeds sometime during stress out of the left nose always.Thanks


Code Red [Part 2] - Since my last post nearly 1 year ago - I wanted to pass on what might be encouraging news for some who are just dumb-founded by the "red ear curse". For many years I have worked in many stressful working environments and like clockwork, each day at around 2:30 - 3pm the hot blistering red ear show would begin. Coupled by the fact that I felt the world was watching made it that much more overwhelming. The past year I have started a new business (you'd think that would just heighten my stress level) - but doing something I really enjoy and making a living from it - its been a stress that seems to be manageable. Anyways - I have almost completely taken dairy out of my diet - (besides a spoonful for my tea) - and the red ear has almost vanished. I do at times indulge in a bowl of cereal with milk and guess what - my heart actually was beating at a quicker pace hours later - Red ears has "almost" become a thing of the past - I still get minor flare-ups, but take the stress and certain foods out of the equation - and life has been very rewarding!! I realize I may never be fully cleared of this condition that has played havic on my personal life for many, many years - but a glimmer of hope has made me believe and I wanted to share with the rest of the troubled bloggers that a change of environment or food consumption could be the very answer. I am a very sensitive person who reacts to accute situations in my surroundings - rereading most of the posts actually seemed to create a ellivated heart rate and the mildest of tingles from my left ear as I write just reminds me that this may be a ongoing condition for the rest of my life! I just need to learn to manage it - not be consumed by it. I hope I may bring some type of hope for those seeking any type of logical reasoning - bless you all!


Goodness me....does anyone of you here have a medical reason ?? my ear is red hot now....only one...and what i was doing ?? i was in a meeting !
So how to explain that ?


me too me too! Usually it happens to me at the end of the day, after my work day is over and I'm just relaxing. I noticed I was smoking a cigarette just now when it happened, so I'm wondering if it has something to do with the nicotine. Oh well, another reason to quit...


hey moggy.......
same thing....
i just smoked a ciggarete, and its the first time it's happened to me.
both my ears are blood red and they seem like there on fire (that hot), i dont know what can glad to see the number of posts here, but any cures ??
we need answers..all of us....:)


My name is Dante. I am 6 years old. I have 2 hot red ears. It happens sometimes with one ear and sometimes both. I put ice on my ears. It makes my ears feel better. My grandma is typing this for me. I wish I knew why this happens.


I'm yet another red hot ear person. Usually just the right ear. Today there was a noticeable vein going through the reddest part of my ear. Freaky. Maybe it has something to do with tension? If I have a few beers and start relaxing (along with not thinking about it anymore), it seems to go away.


It just started happening with me 2 weeks back. One ear goes red hot. I have neck pain and shoulder stiffness for a month now. Are these correlated ? Hvae had a fir bit of tension in my life of late.. May be that plays a part too ?


I too have red hot ears. This has been happening since I was a child. Sometimes it's just one ear sometimes both and sometimes they switch sides. It often occurs when I am stressed, mad or upset. People at work definitely notice. I have learned to block it out sometimes. Then I began to notice it also happens when I don't feel stressed. I sometimes have people approach me at work saying, what are you mad about Angel? I immediately feel my ears and see they are red hot again.<P>I have checked my blood pressure when I am experiencing this and have noticed it is usually slightly elevated at these times but not extremely high. I also get migraines related to stress and painful tightness in the neck, shoulders and jaw. I was told that this too is because of stress. My Dr. told me it's from constantly tensing up and not realizing I am doing it. I have had CAT scans MRI's EEG's and other tests all come out normal. When I get real mad or upset I sometimes break out in hives too. This started as a teenager. I am 30 now. Yesterday was a particularly stressful day and it started with the red hot ears then my entire face and neck went red hot. Later in the day still worrying about my issues my tongue started itching, then my hands and feet, then I got hives on my upper chest and shoulders and my eyes swelled up. It was even hard for me to swallow. I think it was similar to an allergic reaction brought on by stress. I have been looking on the internet today trying to find a reason for this. As for the ear redness I have found most people say it is an increase in adrenaline, usually brought on by stress triggers, so I think they are related in some ways. I have been treated with everything from muscles relaxers to blood pressure meds, antidepressants, Loritab and Oxycontin. My best cures have been trying not to tense up, not clenching my jaw, and lots of Excedrin tension headache medicine. I also use a pain relief spray that contains menthol. It helps loosen the tight muscles. A good massage never hurts either.


I'm 15 and my ears have been doing this for about 3 years now, but the symptoms for me have gotten worse. First of all my ears and my cheeks get very hot and start to burn, then my fingers and toes swell and last but not least my legs turn blue with red spots and then I can't really do anything until my fingers stop swelling. This happens to me about one a week sometimes more.
I have been told that I could have diabetes but about two years ago I started to have very severe chest pains and would pass out, (to this day nobody knows what caused or why I passed out in the X-ray room when I didn't have any pain at that time and after I passed out in the X-ray room and puked my guts out when I woke up I never had chest pain again) I had four blood tests and I was in perfect shape.
So yeah you can rule out low blood sugar, high blood sugar, and diabetes.


I have had this happen to my ear on occasion. It gets very hot and red. It has been like this on an off almost all day today. I searched the web to see what it was and I came to this website. Is there anyone who can explain it?

I definately am not tense or stressed and have no medical condition.


Everynow and then I get a redhot ear, and the only remedy I found for it is this.

Grab a cold soda can from the fridge and put it directly on your ear! OHHHHH feels so good. Then fold your ear in half and put it on the backside! Very relieving. Not a cure but a temporary fix. Try it!


Anyone considered cell phone radiation? I'm only joking. I'm 43 and I manage a title ins. co. where we close multi-$M deals daily. Loads of pressure. Combined with parental, marital, financial, and family deaths occurances, simply described by me as LIFE(described by my family MD as "situational issues"). The body, I believe, has a way of showing us when we are on overload. I practically never go to the Dr. unless I hit overload mode. Which has been about 3 times in the past 18 years. Though I've frequently had these symptoms, I'm just not a great patient. The symptons I have are skin hives, which may occur in one location then show up in another location in maybe an hour or so. I also have the red ear issue. Normally it is just one ear at a time. But it happens with either ear. It feels very fevered and very hot. Extremely red. During those times, I also have panic attics and loads of adrenaline rushes. I was fortunate enough to have this red ear out break as I was waiting outside my Dr's office a couple of months ago. I was given Vistaril which is an antihistime for skin reactions caused by stress and anxiety. I was also prescribed Lexapro for slight depression. I've been taking these for about 2 months and am in a better frame of mind, so I'll wean myself off now with no significant problems. Been there, done that. Sometimes we just need a little help to manage through what life has to offer. I agree with David, a coool compress, or cold soda can, does give a quick fix.


Anyone considered cell phone radiation? I'm only joking. I'm 43 and I manage a title ins. co. where we close multi-$M deals daily. Loads of pressure. That combined with parental, marital, financial, and a couple of family deaths, things get tough. The body, I believe, has a way of showing signs when we are on overload. I practically never go to the Dr. unless I hit overload mode. Which has been about 3 times in the past 18 years. Though I've frequently had these symptoms, I'm just not a great patient, so I don't go until I know I have to. The symptons I have are skin hives, which may occur in one location then show up in another location in maybe an hour or so. I also have the red ear issue. Normally it is just one ear at a time. But it happens with either ear. It feels very fevered and very hot. Extremely red. During those times, I also have panic attics and loads of adrenaline rushes. I was fortunate enough to have this red ear out break as I was waiting outside my Dr's office a couple of months ago. I was given Vistaril which is an antihistime for skin reactions caused by stress and anxiety. I was also prescribed Lexapro for slight depression. I've been taking these for about 2 months and am in a better frame of mind, so I'll wean myself off now with no significant problems. Been there, done that. Sometimes we just need a little help to manage through what life has to offer. I agree with David, a coool compress, or cold soda can, does give a quick fix.


My ears have been getting hot and red for over 40 yrs., so don't think the cell phone has anything to do with this. My 1st memory of this was walking to school in the winter. It may have something to do with hot and cold. My brother would always get hives when he went in and out of the water. So maybe these two are connected somehow. Sometimes I can go for two or three months without red hot ears. Other times it is daily. I have allergies also with a history of childhood asthma. No other ailments and none of my siblings or children have this problem. To me it is quite a nuisance and I like the rest of you wish someone would come up with some answer to this problem. Just knowing that I am not the only one with this problem makes me feel a little better.


my ears turned blood red and hot as fire all of a sudden one evening after I came home from work (a very stressful job for me) I was 23. This job forced me to react with the public which I've always been scared to do. That was the first time in my whole life. Early that same year I had been experiencing a loud sharp ping noise in my ears after my jaws popped (tmj?) Which also has never happen to me before that year, And I started getting post nasal drip all at the same time. And to top it off shortly after My hair just started falling out in massive amount (mpb) pattern. For years I tried to counter act my promblems of post nasal drip which made it even worse, so I stop. When I was 2yrs-9 years old I would have bad ear aches from time to time. Growing up I had also had trouble breathing in and out my nose but never any red hot ear flashes. I'm 35 now ,I don't have any more (tmj) pinging in my ears, the post nasal drip is gone, but I still, every once in a while get red hot ear flashes. Oh and my hair is not falling out anymore but what I lost has not returned.


Sorry forgot two things I've noticed also I don't get earwax like I use to either. Before it would be yellow sticky now its just a minimum of dry itchy white flakes. And hair growes in my ears


I think it definitely has something to do with medication for ADD/ADHD (or medications with similar properties)...I usually feeling flushing in my face, ears, and feet. It is definitely related. Has anyone noticed if it is more common AFTER one has stopped taking medication for the day/evening?????


is there any obvious nerve or blood vessels at u guys' external ears??have u guys tried putting ice on them everyday to make the blood vessel die or stopping it from working??


My son, who is 7, is also a red ear person. His one ear is larger than the other and he has had this problem since birth. When he is tired, anxious or hot weather, his ear will get red. He also has nose bleeds. Where are all the doctors? Help!!


Hi everyone!! I am blown away that so many people have the same issue as me. My ears get red and hot every afternoon after I shower and last for an hour or 2. Both ears, same time. I will try eating oatmeal every morning as suggested. I will also contact my brother, who is a pharmacist, to see if there are any natural supplements to alleviate the problem.


Lily-10-March 2008
My son too, who is 8 has been experiencing red burning ears which is real painful. He has been dealing with this problem since early summer and it seems to have been getting worst. It starts with one ear and eventually travels to the next. We first started using plain cold water or ice to cool them down but it just seemed like a long
time for the pain to go. The only relief he seems to get is when I plug his ear and spray it with a liquid spray called Bactine, which is used for sunburn relief, minor burns, cuts and scrapes. This works for now but this may just be a temoprary relief for. Please!!! Anyone, there has to be a better way to get rid of the red burning ears for good. For those who can't seem to find any relief try this Bactine at lease it helps some!!! But this isn't a cure to a problem more common that we taught.


WOW, I am very thankful that I am not the only one with this problem - therefore no information. I am 27 years old and have had the red ear problem since I was a child. I find if I am tired or stressed out the redness is more likely to appear. Not only red ears, but my knees have also been getting like this since I was a teenager. I have been to specialists all my life to find out what this weird phenomenon is? So far... NOTHING!!! How pathetic! Right now.. after visiting a Naturopath, it is thought that it might be linked to a food allergy. Auto immune problems such as Lupus and Rhematoid arthritis run in my family so Gluten has been removed from my diet and have noticed I have a lot more energy. Also a group of vegetables known as the night shade family - tomatoes, eggplant, red peppers etc have been removed (thought to cause this inflammation). I will reintroduce these items after three months one at a time to find out which is the problem. (if any) So far I have had a hard time taking the nightshade family out, mostly tomatoes. And have found that tomatoes worsens this reaction. It is a lengthy process but worth it for peace of mind. I find that rubbing on cool lotion helps when it's really bad.

donegal gary

When the right ear of an indivdual goes red and/or hot it means that someone you know is talking about you and that it will a have a an immediate effect on your life. thats what the cause of the hot right ear is in Ireland. My ear is hot at the moment and i wanted to see what the other reasons for this were and so far this reason is the best, well i feel that it is anyway


Red ear syndrome: An unusual type of head pain in which the ear becomes red and burning. Attacks may be brought on by triggers such as touching the ear, heat, chewing, drinking, coughing, sneezing, and neck movement. May be associated with migraine, irritation of the third cervical root, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or thalamic syndrome. It may also occur without obvious structural cause.


Has anyone come up with a discussion group or chat room for us, other than here? No offense Peter, but this page isn't exactly being monitored by anyone and we all would like a like a little more medical advice if possible. As for my own red ears, I still get em nearly everyday. If you have time, I do find that getting a good solid Nap after work or on the weekend can really help with the night-time red ears if you choose to go out in public at night. Being Norweigan/Polish, I think I got some of the worst red ears especially this time of the year; going into warm buildings with the heat cranked up, I really hate it at work in the afternoons. I don't get the headaches that some of you describe so I don't want to start taking excedrin, but I will try cutting the dairy and report back, even though I love cheese a lot. The tongue trick only works a tiny bit, I think it is more of a relaxation technique than anything to be honest.


My 9 y.o. son has been suffering from red hot ear for over a year. He has always has ear problems (recurrent cholesteatoma) and has had 7 surgeries (modified radical mastiodectomy + revisions) in the past 18 months. The RES started after his 2nd surgery and his surgeon said it was probably related to nerve damage BUT the interesting thing is his ear is totally numb and will be for up to a year after his last surgery (Feb. 08) but when he has an episode (at least once a day) of red, hot ear, his ear actually hurts. Weird, huh? Something else that's pretty interesting is that he has never had an elevated temperature, even when he had ear infections. He's had pneumonia, viruses and never an elevated temp. Not even after his surgeries. Don't know if this means anything but I've always thought it was strange. BTW, this is his left ear. He shows no signs of ADD, ADHD, or OCD but does have allergies. His surgeon did say however, that his middle ear is very distorted, which is probably a birth defect.


hi, that's so weird i'm trying to find out why my 3 year olds left ear always gets red hot. he had club feet when he was born and the red ear only happens when when he has casts on after his surgery. i've asked his doctor and she said she has no idea why it does that she has never heard of that before. one other time he had casts on his left ear would get red hot and only the left side of his body would sweat. any suggestions?


ive only had mine for the last 5 days. It started freaking me out as id never had it before. Reading all the posts on this site made me feel a little better. I have been very stressed out lately and my diet has become very very bad. I also have been suffering from neck and back pains so i hope that its due to one of these reasons. Ive also been told that, flushing in the face can be liver connected. Has anyone heard of Carcinoid Syndrome. I dont want to scare anyone but check out the symptoms. Im seeing my gp in 2 days to find out exactly whats going on


PLEASE ADVICE: History: I am an indian currently in canada. It was 2 yrs back in india that it started.I wasnt known allergic to any day i had a bad stomach.I woke up at night with red rash on skin,diarrohea,cold hands,uneasiness.Rash was initially over neck but in course of time it was allover my body.I went to doctor,who said its allergic reaction.He gave me ATARAX,an antibiotic(norflox)& some drug as i had fever too.When he checked my BP was high too.....after atarax my symptoms went off...It was after two days I started getting the same feeling...with my left ear pricking & getting red & dizzy/hazzy head.I popped atarax & i was good again.After that I got this type of symptoms 3 times over next 1.5 yrs when my left ear got red,dizzy head,all the time i had bad stomach..!!!...i took atarax & everything used to be normal in minutes.....
I came to CANADA FOR STUDIES: I am stressing on the fact coz there was huge climate change..!! was in 1st week of Nov.2007 tht one night after dinner i suddenly had a kinda attack..of both ears got red and pricky (note tht i had loose motions the same day)..dizziness, little breathlessness,palpitations and uneasiness..i popped 2 atarax this time but no use....for a moment i thought i should call EMERGENCY....but after some time i was better( not normal)& slept off..but could not sleep the whole day was fine..i didnt eat anything..but at night i got it again(same symptoms)...i went to doctor who did blood test....My haemocrit was perfectly normal..except the fact that my IgE antibodies were 333 units( normal is less thn 100 units)...I was termed as having an ALLERGY.....I went to allergy specialist...but he ruled out it being allergy..!!...meanwhile my stomach never came to NORMAL.....I started getting some other symptoms like cold hands/sweaty hands/ light headedness/anxiety/ mild vertigo..!!!...mild burning skin...and stuff, but since it was freezing cold out I used to think my body is reacting to cold,as i come from tropical country & this is 1st winter.....I did stool test (NORMAL), i did ultrasound of abdomen(Normal), I did Barium meal test (normal)......i have no weight loss,fever or signs of infection....My current problems are...1)I feel cold hands,feet without any apparent reason. 2) My stomach is better, no loose motions, but thr is bloating, gas, white tongue etc 3) sleeplessness 4) mild redness over skin which comes and goes & little burning on & off..5) suddenly my ear starts tingling and gets red..6) I get ANXIOUS without apparent reason.7) mild vertigo.
My symptoms are not as severe as before...but are not ZERO..and none of the doctors could give a valid explanation about whats going on......i have realized that this is not probably LIFE THREATENING but its definitely not something i can live with....i am on anti anxiety (lorazepam 0.5 mg) and omeprezole for stomach acid reduction........this is my story....does anyone has any comments or advice over would be apreciated....any doctor here...plz tell me if any TMJ dysfuctions can cause such symptoms??????


I love the Internet! Here I was thinking I was alone, and now I know there is a "small army of red-ear people" as one poster above put it. I was intrigued by one mom who asked about joint pain, because her child had been experiencing joint pain and RES. Last month I had a bout of extraordinary joint pain--in every joint--which was preceded by a week of terrible muscle aches. I also had one day of a strange rash over my trunk and arms. My daughter's teacher and a friend's friend have recently experienced some similar joint/muscle pain symptoms and both were just diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. While I would be completely surprised to have spotted fever, I'm going to go get tested. I have no idea if RES would be part of that, but nothing I've read has indicated it might be.


Hey, listen everyone, I know some herbs that help with this.

I get the red ear sometimes at night (to be honest, I think its only when I take extra immunity booston vitamins that day - vitamin c, e, a, etc.)

Anyway, I always get mine to go away in about half an hour by taking 2 chamomile pills, 2 passionflower pills and 2 valerian root pills. You can find all those herbs at your local Whole Foods or Fresh Market or whatever foofoo organic healthy grocery store is near you. (Or order them on Amazon). They really work.

ear hotty

my left ear is very hot and this has never happened to me before. also, along with the hot ear, i have severely chapped lips and itchy eyes.i never knew there was such a large support group for people with this condition. i never knew there were so many people suffering from the same things i do. HELP!

ear hotty

GUYS! UPDATE! the right ear has now turned extremely red and hot! this is no joke folks.. this is a serious matter and i would appreciate some help on this matter immediately! HELP YOUR FELLOW HOT EAR SUFFERER


I told you. Go to Whole Foods and buy (in their vitamins/herbal pills section) Chamomile, Passionflower and Valerian root. All those herbs have a calming effect on the body. When you get a red hot ear, take two pills of each. Problem solved.


To "me"
so how did u come across these pills...
will there be any side effect after consuming it? like increasing estrogen level etc?? ....thx


I came across the pills, because I did a bunch of research into what pills I could take to stop my blushing so much. These pills were mentioned a lot and for good reason. They worked!

I also noticed that when I started getting this red ear thing sometimes at night, if I take the pills they make it go away.

Now, about the pills:

Chamomile is very well known. You can find it in every single grocery store in America in the tea isle. It's a very, very popular tea as I'm sure you already know. It's perfectly safe in every way. Millions drink chamomile before going to bed every night.

Valerian root is also very popular. It's even sold at Wal-Mart. Lots of people use it to help them sleep at night. It's a very popular, well known herb. You can find it at many groceries stores, CVS, Walgreens, etc.

Passionflower is a little harder to find and isn't as well known as Chamomile or Valerian root. My bottle said it is approved by the German Council something or other to treat "nervous restlessness".

None of these herbs have any weird side effects. They're perfectly safe. Read their wikipedia page if you're still unsure.

Now, listen, this condition we apparently have is called relapsing polychondritis. Your immune system is attacking the cartelege in your ear. You need something to calm your body down. Don't just ignore this or it will destroy your ear. (if you don't believe me, go type relapsing polychondritis into google and look at the pictures that come up on the pages).

Try these herbs. If they don't work, go to a doctor.

ear hotty

thankyou for the tips! i looked up the pictures on google and those ears are F**KED! i DO NOT want ears like those! how do i solve my chapped lips and itchy eyes problem? nobody gave me tips on those!


Thanks a lot ME
i'll try those pills...


I should probably clarify about those pictures of ears. I'm sure that is the worst, worst, worst case scenario. Also, from what Ive read of the above posts, this might not always be relapsing polychondritis. If everyone who had this problem had their ears turn out like those pictures this red ear stuff would be better known.

So, I don't want you to be paranoid that your ears will definitely turn out like those, but I don't want you to just ignore the problem either. Try the pills. They might work for you also.

I'm not a doctor or anything. So, please, don't let those pictures of those ears scare you too much.

ear hotty

ok thanks for the reassurance.. i got really nervous. any suggestions for my chapped lips and itchy eyes?


Oh, I dunno. Vitamin E is good for skin and vitamin A is good for eyes. Might try those.

Go to and look around.


Vitamin E and Vitamin A I guess. Try going to

ear hotty

im allergic to vitamin A and E! are you trying to kill me man?? can you give me some suggestions that will keep me OUT of the hospital please?


I've had this my whole life its always 1 ear and it occurs occasionally throughout the year, i was 6 that one of my ears go red, nothing is wrong with me. Well i hope so, i normally get it when im stressing or just come out of a hot shower and it is cold out of the shower.


to Me and the others...
did u guys notice any obvious blood vessel on the outer ear??mine is quite obvious becoz im having quite fair skin...
is there anyway to remove those blood vessel naturally instead of undergoing any operation


Remove a blood vessel??? Whaa???

Try the pills! Take your vitamins, eat healthy.

That should solve your problem.

ear hotty



Did you try the passionflower, chamomile and valerian root?

If you really are allergic to vitamin e and vitamin a then you must have a serious, serious medical condition. I'm not, and neither is anyone else here, qualified to give you any advice.

Go to a doctor.


me,do u notice any obvious blood vessels on ur ears?


i get red ears and searing face. knocked off my bicycle a couple of years ago and started around then. think may be something to do with autonomic nervous system, but have no clue. not something that doctors seem to take seriously. also if i'm examined around the neck and top of shoulder flares pain up excruciatingly. wish i knew if it would stop / subside. days when i've had to lie down in hospital i haven't had the searing pain in the ears, so perhaps cervical spine / autonomic problem after all...


i get red ears and searing face. knocked off my bicycle a couple of years ago and started around then. think may be something to do with autonomic nervous system, but have no clue. not something that doctors seem to take seriously. also if i'm examined around the neck and top of shoulder flares pain up excruciatingly. wish i knew if it would stop / subside. days when i've had to lie down in hospital i haven't had the searing pain in the ears, so perhaps cervical spine / autonomic problem after all...


Has anyone else tried passionflower, valerian, and chamomile pills for red ears? Did it work?


It definitely sounds like a nervous system /immunity issue. I occaisonally suffer from this and I am today. Having read many of these comments I am wondering if this may have to do with toxins in the air? When I read the time frames of this happening, it seems to be happening at times when the body is probably a little worn out (after lunch and in the evenings). And if there are different illnesses associated with it as well, such as cancer, it sounds as though it definitely has to do with the immune system. Some people more likely to get it when stressed, tired, or getting sick. I genuinely wonder if it may have to do with all the x mark spraying done in the skies. You know, the stuff that looks like contrail, but then fans out and looks hazy, instead of disappearing. Start checking out the sky more often and you may start noticing "contrail" x's in the sky that remain and spread. Especially if you are located near a military base. Who knows what chemicals they are spraying in order to keep satellite camera's from being able to penetrate. No, I am not a conspiracy thereorist. . . i just have noticed far too many x's in the sky to deny such plausibility (esp when there is a military exercise going on). So, toxins may be affecting our immune systems and nervous system and resulting in unusual things such as ear redness. Immune system compromised? Hmm I wonder. . .


Contrails? You're an idiot.


that's so dismissive, you should read more on this issue. My husband is an airline pilot and very concerned about this issue.

(I'm a red eared gal just following the thread btw).


My son has had this since he was an infant, he is now 6 1/2. By watching him all these years we have deduced that when he is tired his ear/ears get red and hot. It doesn't seem to bother him. He had had a lot of ear infections though not one for at least 1 1/2 years.

It is very obvious with him though that it is when he is tired. Interesting correlation with the ADHD that perhaps kids that aren't getting enough sleep are more apt to be labeled with ADHD thus the correlation? Or simply that those kids are more active so more tired, thus showing a red ear more often?


I'm sixteen, female, and currently have one red, burning ear.

This happens to me from time to time, no clue as to why!


my son came to me for the first time today said my ear is red and swelling and hot nomb. it looks like 3 ears in one its so big. so i go to the doc and the gave him some meds it started going down and was all most there and it starts going back up red hot swelling super size and when i say sumper size its huge. i scared to go to sleep and something happen. i would like to know why it goes down and then goes right back up


it really looks like its going to pop. i just don't understand how a ear can get that way. he is ten he didn't do much today nothing. nothing to hurt it


I've got a 10 year old active 'Aussie' daughter who has developed this hot ear business. One side only. I notice a few swimmers have this also? was wondering if it was the latex swimming cap? or.... our bloody cat 'bob' that is slung over her shoulder on regular occasion. :-)


Ha-ha! From one Aussie to another I just have to say that I think that "Bob" is a bloody awesome name for a cat! ha ha! Lovin' it!
But yeah, don't know about latex caps, but I did a LOT of Asthma swim classes as a kid,and yes, with latex caps!
But maybe it's something in the chlorine? Or Tommy's wee that I SAID I didn't want to swim in!(ha ha!)
Then again, that doesn't explain the kids that get it too young to swim? Maybe the natural fluid in the ear drums have something to do with it? Has your little girl had grommets or anything?
For the record though, I am a 31 year old with ADHD. I think the connection between that is the heat thing.
As a kid I could hardly ever sit still unless I was sleeping or zoned out the window.I hated being yelled at all the time as if it was my fault or something I could control. (no underlying anger issues there ha ha!) I was often restless and complained of "Itchy Blood" or my "veins/blood feeling hot" and for my early years I remember my Mum trying SO hard to get me to wear shoes, but I just couldn't/wouldn't!! And SOCKS!! Are you kidding? N-E-V-E-R! The compromise was sandles. The good ole brown ones lol! Summer-Autumn-Winter-Spring. These days my feet can be ice cold at bed time, but during the day, I notice my feet are hot when my ears are? I don't have sweaty feet, just bloody HOT! I had actually just put it down to breathing difficulty. But who knows? When it's summer tho, no problemo with ears! So I guess probably lacking vitamin D or just miss the summer ha!
This is the most hilariously random thing to have, but not so funny really. I double checked with my only other ADHD friend, and she also gets the Red ear thing. Another weird thing is that I also used to get cold sores. But someone told me that if you feel that tingling feeling u get when ones about to come up? Just put ice on it until it goes numb. Sure as ......something very very SURE! (lol!) they don't come up! So I dunno if theres any relation there. But its another "Hot blooded" thing I guess.
Also as a kid (OMG I WAS healthy sometimes I SWARE!)
I burst both my ear drums. OUCHIE FOR THAT!!!!!!! Ever since I also get the heart beat in my ear thing occasionally that some of the other posts have mentioned. They often feel blocked too, so I find myself popping my ears by blowing out my nose without holding it.(Expert! look Mum no hands! :) )It's not normal, but neither is them going quiet/blocked when I sniff in on occasion. Or having burning hot red ears like a cartoon frickin character, or itchy blood or ANYTHING ABOUT ME REALLY ha ha! I dont know if any of this is helpful to anyone elses reading and research, but I definitely think that we are the ADHD types. The hot blooded types. I wonder if thats where the "Hot Headed" saying comes from?


it isn t happening any more, and that is because it is summer, is it the same situation with you? ican t understand why this doesn t happening in summer


Can't comment on the seasons situation as this has only started this autumn (fall) cheers madeleine


it happens to me this few weeks (end of summer)
but my ear wasn't red, its just feels hot..
only my left ear. =(

Shane Osborne

I have had symptons which point towards Polychondritis and the pain today is so severe that my Doctor said if this continues to be painful like it is now then I have to be admitted to hospital. My symptons started 2 years ago after a Septorhinoplasty where Cartlidge is taken from my ear to replace the broken cartlidge in my nose. Ever since then my right ear causes severe pain, swelling, hot, throbbing and burning. This happens on a week on week off basis and sometimes have a good 3 week break and it returns. I am being treated for Polychondritis now but since taking steroids the pain has got worse. I have been hopitalised many of times and given antibiotics via IV. It works but as soon as I stop the antibiotics it flares up again. My consultants are still not sure what it is and I have also been treated for TB with no effects. They still say it could be Polychondritis or a foreign infection. I have had many of blood tests and biopsys taken and all they show is that my blood inflamation levels are high. Also when the pain and swellings are present my glands around my throught also swell and are painful. I remember that they even removed a gland to test and it just came back as an re-active gland.

Im on morphine oral, morphine tabs, along with all other sorts of pain kellers and steroids and still nothing. As soon as I think its going it comes back again. Driving me nuts.

Does anyone else experience anything like this?

I hope someone can offer some advice


How are you today? have you improved? Is it really polychondritis?

Shane Osborne

My current medication whixh is used to treat or at least help as Polychondritis is treatable seems to be working.

I am and have been on Azothioprine with Steroids and it does indeed seem to work.

Azothioprine, dampens down your imune system. I am still awaiting to see my consultant. Although sometimes I the pain is still bad but the current medication has helped. Hope this helps you and have you a simular condition?

Shane Osborne

I have to have regular blood tests to keep an eye on my blood count also.

Polychondritis is not treatable but the symptons are. My medication makes me very ill at times but I'm happy that the pain is under control.


Sorry for being away for so long. And I am sorry to hear about your condition. Am glad your pain is under control. Cartilage healing takes a very long time, I am told. My daughter too suffers from a swollen painful ear problem, but hers is a very strange case. It is no longer painful, but when the room is hot, it can turn very red and swollen. When you touch it, it turns red too. POlychondritis was suspected too, but her blood so far showed nothing. What do they test your blood for, may I know. I googled and it seems that a certain drug infliximab does help to control the progress of polychondritis. Do take care. Is there anybody who is with you?

Shane Osborne

Well as regards to someone with me, I am going through a faily breakdown and it really isn't a good time. My former partner is selfish and I think all of this has caused strain. If she was suffering then I would of course help but she preferes her pop and leaves me and the children for weeks on end!!

Blood Tests - CRP and a Full Blood Count.

My levels have always been quite normal throughout, although Inflamation Levels were slightly above normal but nothing to be concerned about. That is why the disease is hard to detect.

Azothiprine is an anti-immune drug which dampens my immune system. It is suspected that my immune system is attacking the body, which causes the pain and inlamation. My ear is now totally deformed.

Poltchondritis is still only suspected and the condition could be something totally different. The condition also efects my nose which was part of the original operation I had (SpetoRhinoPlasty).

I recently stopped my medication as I was continually being sick which was black in colour. Once a week had passed my condition with my nose and ear appeared and was very painful. I'm now worried that the medication is causing more damage to me as I have been on this medication for 2 years approx and all follow-up concultant appointments keep getting cancelled, thats the UK NHS System for you....

Azathiprine medication has to be monitored as it also effect the liver.

There is no cure for Polychondritis and the treatment is only to reduce thecondition rather than cure.

I must admit the pain has been so severe that I have been smashing my head against the floor. I find that heat helps the pain but this could just be a mind thing. As they say, if you have a painful leg, hit the other one and all the body will do is focus on the new injury.

I had scans, full courses of very strong antibiotics and they showed no improvement. Although when I was on the antibiotics the condition did dissapear, as soon as the course had finished back it came.

My Current Medication;
Morphine Sulphate Tabs
Morphine Sulphate Oral Sol.

I do hope your daughters condition improves and it is always worth asking for Azothiprine and Steroid Treatment, it may be worth a try.


Shane Osborne

Azathioprine is an immunosuppressant used in organ transplantation, autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and pemphigus or inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis as well as multiple sclerosis. It is a pro-drug, converted in the body to the active metabolites 6-mercaptopurine and 6-thioinosinic acid. It is a purine synthesis inhibitor.

Azathioprine is produced by a number of generic manufacturers and as branded names (Azasan by Salix in the U.S., Imuran by GlaxoSmithKline in Canada and the U.S., Australia and UK, Azamun in Finland and Imurel in Scandinavia).


Do you think this happens due to heat ? When i go out in the sun and come back into an aircon anvironment , i do get this . Something to do with difference in temperature ?


I'm not sure about just in the heat, b/c it's november and I have it right now... I wouldn't say I get this usually in the summer.... but it could be the change in temperature... Maybe the humidity and dryness of the air... but I'm not sure.


yes, difference in temperature is one of the many reasons


is this something to be scared about or is this just part of body adapting to difference in temperatures ?


probably just the temp thing but ask a doctor


My ear is hot and it's annoying. It was a little itchy too, but it's happened before, and it goes away in about 1hr. Sometimes it happens when I have had a strong cup of coffee (I'm caffeine sensitive).

This also happens sometimes when I have been in the sun, or if I feel anxiety over something.

I have just ignored it and it seems to go away but man is it annoying while it lasts.

I can not believe how many people have the same problem!!


I get it mostly when im hot or embarressd, it kills my confidence. Silly i know but it does. And it is rather painfull some times, it even looks swollen! Some one must know the answer to this problem!


My Dr. prescribed Fluorouracil .5% to treat solar keritosis on both my ears. This is topical chemo, and I used this med for 3 weeks. My ears looked like raw, red meat, but they did heal in about 4 weeks after discontinuing FU.5%. The keritosis went away, but I have been experiencing red, hot ears mainly in the evening. My ears suffered a major trauma as a result of this chemical, and I believe I sustained nerve damage. I have been back to see my prescribing Dr., and he blew me off, an ENT basically did the same, I'm heading to a Dermo this week, but after reading all these msgs. I don't have much hope. The truma I sustained, hovever, was the begining of RES. I'm trying oatmeal, tounge to roof of mouth, but so far nothing is helping. I have also been seeing a chiropractor for spinal, and neck adj,and headaches. The chiro is helping back, neck, and headaches, but not the ears. PERICHRONDRITIS---check it out. I'm going to discuss it with my Dermo this week. I have been using an Aloe skin care cream to aide in cooling, and to a degree it works. I also use it in the AM, and since I started using the Aloe, my episodes have not been daily. Stress, and getting tired, I believe, play a part is this nasty syndrome. I'll post again after visiting with Dermo. Hopefully I provided some insight to someone. Thanks for listening. The RES is making me depressed, and this helps me vent.

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