URL: http://www.t-bird.edu/pdf/about_us/case_series/a07980024.pdf

"Semco has no receptionists, secretaries, or personal assistants. All employees, Semler included, receive their own guests, make their own copies, and draft and send their own correspondence. There are no private offices, workers set their own hours, and office attire is at the discretion of each employee. Job titles carry little formal status since all workers are actively encouraged to question and constructively criticize their peers and managers."

This is a nice little 12 paged summary about Ricardo Semler and his Semco S.A. company.

Didn't know that in 1999 Semco provided over 2000 different products. If you don't want to buy the books mentioned in my review of the Seven-day Weekend you should at least read this PDF.


Mukul Pawar

Good work!!!

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