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Experimenting with binoculars

May 31, 2004
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Just experimenting with my new digital camera and a pair of binoculars. Sadly I don't have a tripod for neither the camera or the binoculars, which would make the picture quality even better. It was not my binoculars but I'm sure they were a good pair.

All of these photos were taken from my balcony. On the first two photos the non-resized part of St Pauls cathedral was not resized.

Truncated! Read the rest by clicking the link below.

Don't bogart that camera my friend

April 27, 2004
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Here's the plot. They print some instructions on a camera and give it to a stranger. The instructions says to take a few pictures and then pass the camera on to another stranger who will do the same. When the reel is out, you drop the camera in a mailbox and it will return to the original owner who develops the film.

The site only has one collection so far that they call Emily and the pictures aren't very fantastic but the concept is.

At the last reunion party for my old school, Grennaskolan, they put disposable cameras on the dinner tables asking people to take random pictures during the evening. Very results because on the tables there was not only cameras. There were glasses filled with stuff that makes people take pictures they might regret the day after.

Anna and Johan photo modelling

April 20, 2004
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Anna Ask model shot Johan Eldh model shot My friends Anna Ask and boyfriend Johan Eldh went to a place where they style you completely and then a proffesional photographer takes your picture. Apparently it was rather expensive, but now that I see the results I must admit that I'm impressed.

If you want to contact them for any non-nude modelling, contact them through me. I take a 25% stake on their fees for referrals :)

Photofusion in London

February 2, 2004
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"The Vanishing: Altered Landscapes and Displaced Lives on the Yangtze River". A coming photofusion (photo exhibition I guess) here in London. I can't find if this exhibition has a webpage of information but I found out about it from BBCs News In Pictures page

I should go to see more things like this. Let's start with finding where it's held.

Photos from Mars

January 8, 2004
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Mars photo Truly remarkable footage of our neighbouring planet Mr. Mars.

"This is the first color image of Mars taken by the panoramic camera on the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit. It is the highest resolution image ever taken on the surface of another planet."

Does anybody remember why the marsian atmosphere is harmful for us people?

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