Thanks to Theo Spears awesome effort premailer now support CSS specificity. What that means is that when linked and inline CSS blocks are transformed into tag style attributes the order is preserved as you'd expect.

When the browser applies CSS to elements it does it in a specific order. For example if you have this CSS:

p.tag { color: blue; }
p { color: red; }

and this HTML:

<p>Regular text</p>
<p class="tag">Special text</p>

the browser knows to draw the first paragraph tag in red and the second paragraph in red. It does that because p.tag is more specific that p.

Before, it would just blindly take each selector and set it as a style tag like this:

<p style="color:red">Regular text</p>
<p style="color:blue; color:red" class="tag">Special text</p>

which is not what you want.

The code in action is here.

Thanks Theo!


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