URL: http://donecal.com/testsound

DoneCal users are to 80+% Chrome and Firefox users. Both Firefox and Chrome support the HTML <audio> element without any weird plugins and they both support the Ogg Vorbis (.ogg) file format. change log here

So, I used use the rather enterprisey plugin called SoundManager2 which attempts to abstract away all hacks into one single API. It uses a mix of browser sniffing, HTML5 and Flash. Although very promising, it is quite cumbersome. It doesn't work flawlessly despite their hard efforts. Unfortunately, using it also means a 30kb (optimized) Javascript file and a 3kb .swf file (if needed). So, instead of worrying about my very few Internet Explorer users I decided to go really dumb and simple on this.

The solution basically looks like this:

// somewhere.js
var SOUND_URLS = {
  foo: 'path/to/foo.ogg',
  egg: 'path/to/egg.ogg'

// play-sounds.js

/* Call to create and partially download the audo element.
 * You can all this as much as you like. */
function preload_sound(key) {
 var id = 'sound-' + key;
 if (!document.getElementById(id)) {
   if (!SOUND_URLS[key]) {
     throw "Sound for '" + key + "' not defined";
   } else if (SOUND_URLS[key].search(/\.ogg/i) == -1) {
     throw "Sound for '" + key + "' must be .ogg URL";
   var a = document.createElement('audio');
   a.setAttribute('id', id);
   a.setAttribute('src', SOUND_URLS[key]);
 return id;

function play_sound(key) {

// elsewhere.js
   onComplete: function() {
$('#lightbox button').click(function() {

Basically, only Firefox, Chrome and Opera support .ogg but it's a good and open source encoding so I don't mind being a bit of an asshole about it. This little script could be slightly extended with some browser sniffing to work with Safari people but right now it doesn't feel like it's worth the effort.

This make me happy and I feel lean and light. A good feeling!


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