My Ghostly Happiness

By Amurekimuri (2010)
On album Amurekimuri (2010)

My ghostly happiness, where are you now?
I'm walking alone. The empty alleys
A park by the sea in the middle of summer
Temple of dreams, green magic palace

Maybe you've suddenly fallen ill, taken to your bed
Laying and dreaming
About the refreshing wind. Is there anyone
Who is watching your breathing?

What's wrong with you, how can I find out?
Something is out of order and sync
Maybe you're trembling with cold sitting by fire
Maybe you have a fever rush dreams

What if it hurts hurts you so bad? What if this pain is unbearable
So your world is crushen?
If I could only become an anesthetizia
For you, my ghostly priceless treasure

My fragile happiness, where are you now?
Just on the other end of the universe
I know nothing about your misfortunes and troubles
But I would give all I have just to be your nurse

Just to bring you medicine,
You would surely receive only sweetest mixtures
Quietly take your temperature, straighten your blanket
And read you a book with coloured pictures

Probably there is ..., relieve your suffering
But I felt so useless for all these days
A park by the sea in the middle of summer
I walking alone, just me and the rain

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