URL: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/practicalcss/

I've been looking for good CSS (stylesheet) articles that don't just teach the basics which I already know. This one looks pretty good so I write it down for later reading.

A List Apart has many good articles for high-level web development. Sadly many of the CSS articles are pretty old so there's (with todays measure) too much talk about non-supporting browsers. I suspect a lot has happened in the last year that will enable me to try the bleeding-edge CSS techniques.


Chris McDonough

This article is interesting, thanks for pointing it out!

As an ironic aside, I really hate the presentation provided by these kinds of high-falutin "web designer" sites. A List Apart has chosen to cram all of its content into a narrow strip (narrow at least when you're on a 1280 x 1024 display) down the center of the page, which makes for intensely tedious online reading. I do appreciate the substance of the article, but I guess I'm a little too proletarian for its presentation. I mean, for cripes sake, how hard is it to allow text to flow to the full width of any browser? And why *wouldn't* you do this, given that you're trying to make it easy for people to read on the web? IMHO, folks who advocate these sorts of glam information presentation styles really need to get over themselves and start providing value instead of glitz. Right now, the information delivery capacity of A List Apart is almost as bad as if it were a PowerPoint presentation, at least to me.


Very ironic indeed. However I disagree that the reading column is too narrow because it's more comfortable too read than, let's say, http://www.europython.org/other/interviews/entries/paul_everitt_2003 where the font size is small and the lines are long. Sometimes almost tempting to hold a ruler against the screen to know which next line to read. A List Apart is almost too narrow, like http://www.cnn.com/ also is.

My idol on linelength is http://news.bbc.co.uk/.

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